Somehow recently, loss of appetite .... Review want to diet and lifestyle

Somehow recently, loss of appetite .... Review want to diet and lifestyle - Somehow recently, loss of appetite .... Diet and lifestyle you want to review

in the first place What is anorexia?

loss of appetite and says that no longer seems to want to eat the food. You know the hungry if always, not for some reason feel the hunger. It may have fallen into anorexia when such.

to regulate the appetite, it is the part of the hypothalamus of the brain. If the appetite center that is in the hypothalamus has long been working normally, and it has become a mechanism to feel the nature and hunger when the stomach is empty. However, I become anorexia by no longer work normally by this appetite center is some sort of influence.

Cause of anorexia There are many. Cause of poor appetite There are two mean big.

The first is "cause in everyday life", the two eyes has become a "cause of illness". Many of the causes of anorexia has been said to be the cause in daily life, such as stress and poor physical condition.

Also, when looking at lightly the loss of appetite, there is also a possibility that has become the worst place illness. Whether its for why he or she is made to loss of appetite, we need to make the appropriate improvements to firmly grasp.

When he felt that be loss of appetite, let's try to grasp firmly the cause. Now we will introduce in detail the causes and how to improve anorexia.

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What cause of anorexia? Actually appetite develop a trivial thing slump!


by feel the mental stress, the human is likely to fall into a loss of appetite. Trouble and of human relations, pressure at work is the stress of the original. In addition or bathed in strong light, I feel the stress that continue to listen to the sound of loud. Cause of stress in this way is each person.

But human beings will not have some kind of stress not a little in which to live. I think that almost impossible, such as that to live without suffering the stress.

While not notice yourself, you might have gone racking excessive stress. By feel the stress, the function of the autonomic nervous system becomes active. Function of the autonomic nervous and parasympathetic I is inversely proportional. If its because of the work of the autonomic nervous lively, and decrease the function of the naturally parasympathetic.

parasympathetic may serve to promote the digestion and absorption. But the digestion and absorption by the work is reduced, it will not be able to be carried out firmly. For this reason I so anorexia occurs. Cause when you do not know quite satisfactory, there may be a possibility that the racking excessive stress between unknowingly.

lack of exercise

is loss of appetite by lack of exercise, there is also likely to occur.

● appetite occurs mechanism
human beings, I get instruction from and a shortage of energy in the body as a "white replenish the energy!" Brain. If you do not have anything cause, you feel hungry by this directive. But by becoming the lack of exercise, when the energy the brain is missing, you will not be felt.

For this reason, that no longer feel the need to replenish the energy, we will not issue a directive to the brain to replenish the energy. That's the state is in the body that have excess energy by lack of exercise, it will occur such a phenomenon.

● lack of sleep also causes! ?
This is so the action of the autonomic nervous system becomes lack of sleep is disturbed. For this reason, such as when you feel stress, it works of the parasympathetic decreases. Not only the loss of appetite when it comes to lack of sleep, it seems sometimes feel like gastrointestinal upset.

by the disturbance of such a lifestyle, you can easily look like cause the appetite disorder.
people who can not get satisfactory sleep busy work, such as people who are frequently the night owl is said to be prone to anorexia. First Once you become appetite upset, it is important to review your lifestyle.

summer heat

when it comes to the hot season of summer , I think you have a lot of people that appetite is no longer Waka is.
This is true in less noticed by yourself, that there is a high possibility that is a summer heat.

human beings and high-temperature and high-humidity environment continues for a long period of time, the body will not be able to support well. Therefore it causes a variety of symptoms.

Draw occur symptoms by summer heat is mainly thermoregulation is it can not be well. By excessive sweating, it is due to the fact that moisture is insufficient in the body.

various symptoms in the body and this phenomenon becomes badly as the "summer heat" is, you become like to be seen.

summer heat is, in addition to fatigue and fatigue of the whole body is also of anorexia, to become the be the feature feel.
also appetite caused by the summer heat slump is said to be due to the action of the autonomic nervous system is disturbed.

disturbed the work of the autonomic nervous, that the function of the parasympathetic decreases, the function of the digestive will decrease.
fall into that for anorexia.


when women were pregnant, by "morning sickness" in early pregnancy there seems to be falling into anorexia. Morning sickness symptoms can vary from person to person, but you may not be able to eat anything when terrible.

by humans, any one of those may not be able to eat anything for three days or more.

also drink even you may not pass through the throat by morning sickness. Cause of morning sickness will occur primarily by the disturbance of the hormone balance. By pregnancy, it has been that it is due to the fact that female hormone is increased in order to protect the baby.

In addition, it is also one of the causes of morning sickness to changes in psychological state by pregnant. If the morning sickness does not eat pulling happen morning sickness and food anorexia, morning sickness that feeling is bad, your saliva There are a variety, such as morning sickness feel that bad feeling.

If the appetite is happening by morning sickness, the only thing to be eaten without the impossible, to eat when you eat is important.
early pregnancy morning sickness is experienced by 80 percent of women from about 50 percent.
morning sickness in some people until late pregnancy is, it may continue it. The most important thing when morning sickness is happening is that the rest slowly.
also we should always try to eat something small beans because there also be the feeling bad now anorexia by feel hungry.

appetite due to aging slump

human beings anyone will take a year. Just because I do not want to take a year, it is impossible to stop the aging. There is also that anorexia can occur as age progresses. Appetite due to aging slump will occur in a variety of causes.

will be troublesome to move from year to year by aging. Move of the troublesome just because, by sending a life that does not move as much as possible, that the energy shortage will not occur, sometimes stomach is not empty.

This is due to become a lack of exercise by aging. In addition, by feel that chewy Zura is to use a denture, you may be eating become troublesome.

a lack of zinc by age also in other, has been one of Tsuda also cause that taste failure occurs. By such a phenomenon occurs, you can dine to feel the original fun and joy become melancholy. Also that the elderly are living alone, loss of appetite happens. This happens in order to feel the loneliness that being alone. Therefore from loneliness, or become depressed, and it is that it is cause to feel the spiritual loneliness.

too much to take of alcohol

people to take a whole bunch meal while fleas liquor but it is small. Person to dispense a drink and snacks only at dinner is also a lot. However, since the alcohol is effective to reduce the appetite, it may become and anorexia too take the alcohol.

If you ingest the alcohol, the alcohol goes to the liver. Where it is the metabolism is detoxification. It has become a system that. If a small amount of liquor "liquor is the best medicine" is said that, it is said that may be the health of the body.

But in the liver by cause by drunk alcohol in large quantities every day, it becomes like a burden. Every day in the liver, gradually when the burden is applied, the function of the liver is reduced. The liver is food and, drink, it serves to convert the nutrients taken from such supplements to energy, you have.

In addition to detoxification and waste, to harmless that does not adversely harm to the body, there is also work to change. Function of the liver is reduced, such work is, because can not be active, I become as cause fatigue and nausea of ​​the body.

Such a state has been to cause a loss of appetite in the subsequent thing. Alcohol is not only the liver, because some that would troll the stomach and pancreas, must be a caution.

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is the cause of the children of anorexia?

might cause a loss of appetite in children. When the child is causing a loss of appetite, or not than not enough nutrition as a parent. Do not what to illness. I think you were very worried when.

cause of the children of anorexia, there is a "cause in daily life" like an adult. In addition to the front of the rice, also eats sweets in large quantities, it is said that one of the causes.

to small children of the body, as though they were adults, that eat the candy, it will become the cause of the disturbance of lifestyle.
also like or sore throat due to cold, such as games without play outside, also that you are, is the cause of anorexia. Is not a physical factor, there is also that anorexia is happening in the mental factor in.

mental factors of children, is not fun time of the meal, extra eat I feel there is no be to try to make him impossible to eat. Stress, such as the environment has been and is large.

also does not appear to delicious cuisine, it is not a favorite taste. Since also occur by such, we need to'll make a twist to color and flavor.
the worries and stress that do not speak to adults, because if there is also you're feeling, you feel that there is funny how the children, I'll listen to empathetically story.

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anorexia be sick?

loss of appetite is not only the cause of the daily life, that have developed by illness There is also. Loss of appetite, since there is a possibility of disease of the sign, if there is a idea is a neat examination an audiologist, Try to get done. Disease is early detection, early treatment is important. Because some diseases such as threatening danger of life in, if you feel a loss of appetite, let's try to be careful.


great cause to cause a loss of appetite It has been said to be "gastritis". Cause of gastritis is different, but 80% are said to be due to H. pylori.

By infected with H. pylori, rough is the mucosa of the stomach, will be gastritis. If gastritis is left alone by the Helicobacter pylori, it is so sometimes become chronic gastritis.

also gastritis has been said to be caused by stress and side effects of steroidal anti-inflammatory agents.
chronic gastritis is due to the action of the mucous membrane of the stomach is weakened. So now inflammation occur repeatedly, is frequently so cause gastritis is the characteristic of chronic gastritis.

The main symptoms of gastritis, always feel a sense of fullness, heavy stomach, stomach pain, heartburn, nausea.
have been with these symptoms is loss of appetite due.
Also, when the gastritis would as it is allowed to stand, in some cases, because there is also to be a stomach ulcer, worring let's consult your doctor.

compared to acute gastritis, for chronic gastritis is difficult to heal, due to Helicobacter pylori and stress, the doctor immediately when you feel stomach hurts, so please get the medical examination.

gastric cancer

in the symptoms of anorexia is out sick, most with caution not an exaggeration to say that do not if there is, is the "stomach cancer". Gastric cancer is the wall of the stomach, cells in the innermost is the disease varies in cancer cells for some reason. Cause of gastric cancer occurs is done a lot of research.

main cause that are currently known, smoking, disturbance of lifestyle, such as eating habits, persistently infected with Helicobacter Park ter pylori, has been a thing like that.

in the diet, too much to eat what a lot of salt. Not too much intake of vegetables and fruits. It has been pointed out the fact that. Also Helicobacter Park ter H. pylori, in Japan it is highly likely that middle-aged and elderly is infected, you know.

people of young people has become difficult infection. But just because infected with Helicobacter Park ter H. pylori, since not all of the people is to gastric cancer, please with confidence.

The most scary is, gastric cancer is to leave the symptoms at an early stage, it has been said to be less. When out something symptoms already gastric cancer is very likely that quite advanced.

The main symptoms of gastric cancer is discomfort and a sense of fullness in the stomach, stomach pain, heartburn, nausea, have been said to burp, and loss of appetite. However, this condition is the same kind of symptoms and the symptoms of gastritis and gastric ulcer, there seems to be hard to notice.

If you feel these symptoms, without the self-judgment first, because there is also a possibility of gastric cancer, let's consult to go to hospital.

gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer

gastric ulcer and duodenal also in the ulcer, there seems to be that the loss of appetite may occur. Gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer some people have different symptoms.

However, many of the people, what I feel is pain. Also pain or discomfort in the upper abdomen, such as heartburn or feeling of fullness is sustained to be the feature happen.

In the case of gastric ulcer, it is often feel pain after a meal. This went on in the stomach, because food is to stimulate the ulcer.

duodenal ulcer in the opposite is often feel the pain on an empty stomach. This is come out by feel hungry, because ulcer by gastric acid is stimulated. In the case of duodenal ulcer seems sometimes eat food subside the pain.

for gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer is that feeling you still have food in the stomach, by the feeling of fullness, has been a loss of appetite occurs.

cause of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcers, in the same way as gastritis, Helicobacter pylori and steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, such as by stress, is that the mucous membrane of the stomach hurt.
In many cases, since the disease can be cured with medicine, you feel such a state, Try to get done the examination to the doctor immediately. It is important to carry out the treatment as soon as possible.

by the treatment of early stage, it will lead to the prevention of recurrence. If you can not eradication of H. pylori in the treatment, because it is so there is a possibility that recur again gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer, you must be careful.


a disease called

anorexia people who have heard I think whether many. Anorexia, and "anorexia nervosa", sometimes referred to as the "puberty skinny disease", "anorexia nervosa". Women who are skinny is beautiful, by modern climate is said to be, young women become anorexia case is very large.

idea that gain weight After eating the food, by becoming stronger, is a disease that can not be the food to the mouth. In recent years, in women who have an excessive diet, you can see a lot.

usually, when diet dietary restrictions feel hungry becomes a radical, to abandon the diet, but is often, people of anorexia, not can it, on a diet more and more radical and I will.

by such, body weight will continue to steadily fall. However, even got as skinny as a rail, is a desire lean more, reality is treatment is difficult to become stronger.

that nutrition can not be firmly intake, you may in the worst case, also can lead to danger of life. This is want to lose weight, and I think is too strong that I do not want to overweight, it is due to become the heart of the disease. Anorexia because there is no recognition that he's abnormal, you will need the cooperation of the people around. Bulimia eating an excess of anorexia and food is in, you might want to repeat the onset.


depression in heart disease, autonomic ataxia It is one. The autonomic imbalance, there is a variety of reasons, it will be classified into four main types.

small time have originally from, caused by the constitution "instinct of type autonomic imbalance", psychological things happen because of "neurogenic type autonomic imbalance", the stress of daily life It occurs due to "mind and body of type autonomic imbalance", is caused by deterioration of mind and body of type dysautonomia "depressive type autonomic imbalance".

autonomic imbalance is to do not know the particular cause, is seen, such as the following symptoms. Chronic fatigue and fatigue, dizziness and migraines, palpitations and insomnia, tinnitus and loss of appetite, but such discomfort of numbness in limbs and mouth and throat.

also in terms of feelings, suddenly or frustrated, it will often become anxious. Or it is no longer out motivation, become melancholy is a symptom of a typical depression.

symptoms of autonomic imbalance for all of the people, does not apply. Every one symptom or cause is different from is characterized.
autonomic imbalance, do the treatment in psychiatry. ?

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