Had can wart on finger ...! Had can wart on self-care and prevention measures

Had can wart on finger ...! Had can wart on self-care and prevention measures - fingers of people who want to heal quickly ...! Healed want people of self-care and preventive measures early

Remedy when the wart was able to finger

when you wash your face and hands, I think you will care if you notice the presence of the warts of the finger. Such as do we get the 's not whether Toka what treatment I system goes will where you are concerned.

First of all,
① pain, whether there is itching for?
swollen become red ②?
③ or look like there is a liquid in the wart?
Let's try to attention, and the like.

Let If cover if so that liquid is exuded from the wart. If if something like of the liquid is itching there to warts Bane, care must be taken so as not to Kakimushira.

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likely to be in the hands and fingers boil

hands and fingers is not frequently used in everyday life. What there is what can be easy to warts in the hands and fingers?

warts There are many causes in a small boil that are raised from the skin. What is called the old warts due to aging, there are a lot of causes, such as those caused by cancer.

There is also a case of such other corns and even octopus can be on the skin. If it and capture the things that can be on the skin as warts, in the dermatology in the companion of these also wart seems to also be referred to as a wart.


one of

old warts due to aging, a benign tumor of the skin in easy to be in many parts of the sun, it seems it is often seen with age, but it may also be seen in their 20s and 30s. The color is brown from ordinary skin color, black, form may vary from those raised from those flat. It seems it is also often accompanied by itching. Upon standing there is that year after year also increase the number of increases little by little, in the case found many recommended medical examination in dermatology.
There is also due to
cancer. The initial one is small pain also tend to be mistaken for a wart because it is not, what malignant melanoma called melanoma is typical. Although you can early discovery order to be in a place easily attached to a relatively eye of the skin, the size of more than 6mm, shape distortion, in the case of a boundary is hazy, as well as to recommend the examination in dermatology To do.


is one of the boil octopus also was raised that can be on the skin. However, the site as possible as it can be in response to a stimulus, such as pressure, is the pen octopus that can be in a location that, or the like can Sucking octopus and pencil at the time of the baby's pacifier is always hit from being well-known.

but the difference is where you can by a specific profession or work, octopus is thicker the part called the outermost stratum corneum of the skin in order to meet the skin irritation, such as is compressed repeatedly It is the state. The back of the portion of the center of gravity take the foot, it is what is likely to luck imagine those seen well, such as at the base or heel of the thumb.


octopus in the same way as, and most outside of the stratum corneum of the skin you Deki swells of the part, which is called. The big difference is octopus, is that painful.

corn is at first glance as the center portion thereof, of the name is to create a core invade the deep in the skin, has been called by this name in order to look like a fish eye. And relapse and not remove the core. Also that for core also enters into the deep layers of the skin, or to infection from the wound when you try to take indiscriminately is difficult to completely get rid of is yourself.

easier to be like a long time pressure sensitive toes, it seems likely to be able to women consuming burden on the foot, such as the heel. Is rare to be able to hand, it seems there are many that also looks like a corn of other diseases.

verruca vulgaris

verruca vulgaris (Jinjosei stumping) I think that it is not those who frame image to hear that, but that of viral warts.

in the virus that is the target of a uterine cancer vaccine, it happens virus called the human papilloma virus (which translated as HPV) is infected with the skin. Normally, you can guard so as not to enter into the skin, but it has been said that if not from entering from such a small scratch.

and frequently in such cases or scratched skin thoroughly by atopic dermatitis. Also hand and fingers many scratching is also a site that looks good, seems prone to easy to make a small scratch.

youth squamous warts

difficult words which is also easy to imagine the luck but, young squamous warts (Seinensei flat canvass) is that of warts you can do with that you have infected with the same human papilloma virus and verruca vulgaris.

back and back of the hands, limbs, also seen in the face, is said to be involved in, especially of the face and extremities hair shaved. So many women, back of the hands and forearm, can be found in many foot.

as it can, such as the face, is also the characteristic that it is often mistaken for acne to natural healing.

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causes that can wart on the finger?

cause that warts can be in the finger is different. As I mentioned earlier, viral warts such as virus infection and compression of the same site, also is different, such as those due to a malignant tumor.

people of the layers of skin, called the outermost stratum corneum in order to protect from such infections have made from three layers, it is thick block. But for some reason, you may notice that she can wart.

virus infection

earlier, verruca vulgaris and the young man came out to talk is such as gender flat wart will wart by causing the infection invades the virus is from a small scratch on the skin. Here everyone is that either .... not whether moves worrisome.

is not a zero possibility to shift these warts. However, there is a scratch on the skin for those who are also transferred to the person to move, due to the low probability of contact, it can be said that there is no one goes to the easy.

wart called Mizuibo to the other is what kind of virus occurs infected. Mizuibo has been the most well known in the infection of a pool of infants and school-age. Also to the skin around and or Kakimushi' will be in the state, it called the warts are a number can be "spill over".

you .... not and not touch directly, or share a bath towel, because I like to play with a child is playful, is more likely to be infected.

usually heal even if left alone, but I will care about or not be the target of bullying that it is the case of a child. Before they become severely Once infected, I hope get seen in dermatology.

obesity constitution

soft parts of the skin, easy to like the armpit warts can trend located in the. Those that may cause skin rub can be made to the stimulus, is one of the predilection sites, such as around the neck. People who are obese constitution have poor metabolism, these skin is increased irritation the skin rub against the sag in the soft part, it is considered likely to be the wart.

these warts and later 30's, has been a lot to people and menopause later of women in obesity constitution. In addition, a soft of features and touch have made from fat. Since

hands and fingers is not the soft parts of the skin, it is rare that you can have this type of warts, but since it is not good metabolism, is it can be said that care must be taken in order to be considered easy can wart award.

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treatment methods, such as warts, which can be in the finger?


? Let's introduce some of the treatment.

① take burn the wart with liquid nitrogen.
② soften the affected area with Spire plaster take the wart and core like tweezers.
③ drink pigeon barley tea
is removed by ④ laser treatment.
There are a variety of methods, such as treatment with a try out things and hospitals on their own, such as. Each approach has what each does not match the one that fits with the type of wart.

liquid nitrogen

in the treatment for warts and Mizuibo, dermatology and plastic surgery is a treatment that takes place in.

Liquid nitrogen is liquefied at minus 196 degrees. In bananas, which are encased in your liquid nitrogen you would have seen a commercial that nail strike. The liquid nitrogen applied to the affected area to put such as the cotton swab. Affected area becomes a state of low temperature burns, tissue is a common method of treatment in a way to fix an attempt is made to the new tissue regeneration.

Spire plaster

is the Spire plaster to soften the stratum corneum of the skin by of medicine, a thing of the state, such as a plaster rather than a cream type. No doubt you have heard the name that's over-the-counter drugs '' wart-off ''. It has been sold as corn up in pharmacies.

as a method, you cut the part of the thickened tissue and lead to soften the octopus and corn with scissors or knife. Those that are commercially available in pharmacies is also what Spire plaster is attached to the center, which with a donut-shaped pad.

Once you remove the softened tissue, but will be in the state that recessed until the tissue rises, because the organization of the skin is also coming to play, there is no problem.

drink pigeon barley tea

warts and only paste drugs because they are possible to the skin it is believed that often, but you might want to improve at There is also drink drugs that caused by virus infection. Verruca vulgaris, is such as youth squamous warts there is a drug made from the extract of pearl barley called coix in dermatology. This place is immune reaction by pearl barley, has been to be effective when the wart disappears.

woman if lotion, etc. I think we may be heard, such as pearl barley extract. Pearl barley has the effect of us to beautiful skin by increasing the metabolism of the skin. Pigeon barley tea is a good drink is divided into about three times infusion of 1 day 15 ~ 20g. You enter the pearl barley extract even hand, such as commercially available herbal medicine, there is also such as pearl barley tea became pearl barley and pack cook mix in rice. Even if you do not have the time, you can care myself if you use well these things.

laser treatment


laser treatment is also effective in wart treatment is. And a local anesthesia, you cut the wart with a stretch laser. Order to remove the direct cause, the effect is I can guarantee.

as the benefits, bleeding is less, it is that there is less pain. In addition, that is hard to rest after the order to cut out only the lesion is excellent.

reverse order of the demerit rest is required to, it is that it can not be used easily to your child. In addition, the cost of treatment is there is a variation by a little expensive and medical institutions. If, also, such as if you're cost the laser treatment would be also good idea to consult.

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prophylaxis of warts that can be in the finger?

to prevent so that it can not warts on the finger, do not go and does not remove the cause of the warts. If those for example by a virus, it is necessary to eliminate the clues of the infection so that the virus is not impenetrable to the fingers or hands.

because there is a possibility that the virus if there is a wound is infected from there, or protected so as not to be in contact with the infection, the hand, such as dry rough will or with a small wound or scratch. Such as human occupation winter cold season and wet work is often let dampening sufficient guarantee.

In addition, to keep the clean including the site and healthy hands and fingers you've can wart is important in viral infection prevention. Let's do not forget adequate hand washing.

If the wound was able to protect

is such as a viral infection that directly touch and go in. There is a possibility will enters the virus from there if there is a scratch, let's covered with gauze and bandages. Because hands and fingers are many opportunities to become wet with wet work, such as those of water proof type looks good.

not only warts, also would be it is desirable to cover if there is a wound in the sense of preventing the other infection.


is the moisturizing of a powerful enemy for your skin. Skin because it has located on the surface of the body, is also deprived tend moisture easily exposed to the outside air. Such as the winter to dry is said to time particularly prone to rough skin.

also fingers and hands is a site especially prone to skin irritation and touching the water at the time of the wet work. Also one with a lot of opportunities to use chemicals, water and also by your work would be even more.

dry skin and or Kakimushi' feel the itch, you make a small scratch on the skin. Of course, If you have a chronic disease, such as atopic dermatitis is easy to dry, prone to inflammation in the skin. Small scratch infected with the virus from, it might wart occurs. Let's firmly committed to moisturizing cream, etc..

to clean

virus will grow under filthy environment. Many fingers or hands be used in such everyday especially fine work is a part of making easy body a small scratch. Easy to make the wart infection from a small scratch on the virus that was already your description. It is the first step to prevent the infection to keep clean. Frequently by, for example, wash your hands, let's keep clean.

After wash their hands also let firmly moisturizing.

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