What symptoms and trends of multiple personality? What five of cause and check how

What symptoms and trends of multiple personality? What five of cause and check how - symptoms and trends of multiple personality to develop? Five of the cause and check how to develop

really there for me multiple personality?

when faced with shock events, or become pure white is in the head, is the experience, such as there is no memory of before and after the person I think that not a few. Called "dissociation" is a psychological term for this state.

multiple personality, a large dissociation in the heart caused by such trauma of childhood, believed to something that had been formed up to the other personality.

multiple personality is about "I think really there for?", But you have an image of a rare disease, in fact unexpectedly cases many, it is also said to be up to a few percent of the entire mental illness.

, however, you may not have noticed even himself, can often be misdiagnosed as other diseases also visited a psychiatrist. Symptoms and causes of multiple personality this time, diagnostic methods, because it explains in detail and close but not the same disease or symptoms, please by all means to reference.

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foundation of multiple personality knowledge

is a multiple personality

and multiple personality, formally dissociative identity disorder (dissociative identity disorder ; DID) and say, it has been a kind of dissociative disorders. Previously, multiple personality disorder; was said to (Multiple Personality Disorder MPD).

The dissociative disorder, when faced with intolerable situation, or feel like not that of yourself (depersonalization), to not remember detach the memories and feelings of that time (dissociative amnesia) thing by, it has been a failure that occurs in an attempt to avoid the psychological damage.

dissociative identity disorder is said to which the most severe symptoms, memory and emotions that were disconnected ends up growth in individual, it is supposed to appear as a separate personality.

in many cases, have been thought to be due to self-defense reaction to abuse and bullying were received as a child, and trauma occurs in the cause.

signs of multiple personality

and acquaintances to ask, "Who?"
friend, lover, spouse, or ask a colleague suddenly against (not seen so much relative to the parent), "who are you?", or angry suddenly, or cry, or become panic state You may.

- take a personality not consistent with or age attitude
may for adult signs, such as fawn in like suddenly children attitude seen. Or to speak like kindergarten children, it may take an attitude as if they were younger than their own children.

In addition, such as abusive man tone, it can sometimes be very violent speech. Gesture and dominant hand, it seems sometimes dress and taste changes.

- clearly that he has done, insist not on your own
Despite being under pointless circumstances be an excuse or a lie, "myself that it was also seen action that claims to "not.

- self-inflicted
dissociation has been said that there is a case to repeat the like. If they are not equal, wrist cut happened.

you may try to actually commit suicide, but in order to reality has been lost, there is no little thing is because I want to feel the raw by pain. In this case, it said that the defense reaction to regain the will likely ego consciousness disappeared.

- good child of personality
, but not the signs, people who develop multiple personality, good quiet unreasonable since I was a child, is said that it is often dependent on passive you have.

is also so certain that if symptoms worsen signs such as the following emerge.
- his that, "we," "he, she," "they" and referred to as
another personality own voice of is to be heard,

method of diagnosing multiple personality (the four diagnostic criteria, 10 check test of)

currently, the multiple personality of (dissociative identity disorder) diagnostic criteria are as follows.

A, of two or more, there is a personality that can be clearly distinguished. Each of personality, are aware of the surrounding environment or yourself, are thinking or involved in their own.

B, appear repeatedly these personality.

C, it can not be said that normal forgetfulness, there is a lack of serious memory.

D, these are not due to other diseases, such as physical factors or seizures, such as drinking. In the case of children, not fantasy.

maximum points to distinguish between multiple personality, in addition to two or more distinctly different personality is observed, is that dissociative amnesia is seen. Here is one of the check test whether there is a dissociative amnesia.

1, do not you feel that you are losing a sense of time? Do not you may not be able to remember anything becomes dark is in your head? You do not have the storage space is not in time?

2, or was not heard from others that it was their own is not in the storage behavior? Or e-mail you did not send was not in the outbox?

3, in his belongings, those are not my thing, do not you that it contains things do not remember to wear? Such as the receipt.

4, or does not have a human relationship is changed for no reason hit?

5, do not you have to notice and imperceptibly strange place? Have you had a different location than where was thinking of going?

6, attitudes and speech, it is or changed, such as athletic ability and artistic talent, labor, style, taste and habits, do not you that it has been pointed out the change from man?

7, memory and childhood, do not you memory of the adult have been partially lost?

8, do not you that the people that should have met for the first time has already been or knew you, called under a different name?

9, do not I can not remember the part with the contents of the conversations and e-mail with others? In addition, Has it ever been pointed out and have forgotten from people?

10, or there is no terrible headache?

method for the treatment of multiple personality

- drug therapy
to multiple personality itself effective drugs is said that there is no, will be the auxiliary method of psychotherapy. Even for schizophrenia and misdiagnosis is easy to hallucinations, medication is not effective.

primarily as a symptomatic treatment, antidepressants, anti-anxiety drugs, sleeping pills, but medication is done, people of multiple personality tend to prone to drug dependence, risk of Obadozu (overdose) because sometimes, you need Naru carefully even if you want to medication.

- psychotherapy
psychoanalytic treatment and the combination of hypnotherapy has been said to be effective, there seems to be counseling and cognitive behavioral therapy is used. Even if you take any of the methods, competence of the healers have been said to be important.

because many of the people of multiple personality have the damage experience, basic treatments, Toko to ensure an environment that enables peace of mind, trust relationship with the therapist, has been that it is the understanding of the family and the surrounding you.

patient is not completely trust the therapist, or is no longer forced to interrupt the treatment, it seems there is also a case that it can not start the treatment itself.

for the multiple personality of fake

mental state is called multiple personality, movies and novels because you are well known in the like, there is also the case that the person who obtained the benefits by disguise so to feigned illness. By which is a disease acting and feigned illness, also seen in such as when a criminal appeal the insanity at trial.

(to semi-hypnosis using the drug) feigned illness whether the drug auxiliary interview seems to be determined by such. Even if it is not a feigned illness and acting with a purpose, there is also a case, which is another mood disorder and personality disorder, it must be distinguished from a variety of mental disorders.

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is similar to the multiple personality, not being a disease

multifaceted nature of personality

might change their personality enters drink, curse things like or not even remember the next day with the I think that not a few.

or changes in attitudes and behavior by the other party, quiet people usually may also be furious suddenly. Sometimes you will feel their own hidden upcoming voice or another of their own.

of these changes, not only to those appeared multifaceted and psychological conflict of personality, is so not a failure. Not only is not a failure, it seems not even the dissociation.

Imaginary Friends

"imagine that imaginary friend (imaginary companion) is that of the top of a friend ", people with such experience in early childhood has been said to be about 20 to 30 percent. It should be noted that the number of people of the imaginary friend is usually one or two people like.

appear around 2 to 4 years of age, is said to often disappear in about 8 years old, it is more likely to only child and eldest daughter. Infant with imaginary friend has excellent imagination, has been also considered intelligence and creativity of the manifestation, the multiple personality will be clearly distinguished.

However, the people who develop multiple personality (dissociative identity disorder), a higher percentage who had imaginary friends, 2 times the normal, also cage about 60%, number of people also many average 6 is said to people, I hear that can last up to puberty and adolescence.

The biggest difference is in vivid, multiple personality who see the figure, because you hear voices, it is said that it is often believe to be real.

In addition, the usual imaginary friend is gentle friend, the imaginary friend of multiple personality who is not uniform role, such as a friend, savior, comfort role, guardian, family, multiple personality It is likely to say also the prototype for a substitution personality in.

temporary, or mild dissociation

story, such as sleep paralysis and astral projection There is also to listen to, but it is distinct from them also pathological dissociation. In addition, possession (such as spirit possession) and religious trance is, if you are accepted as a convention in the person of the cultural sphere, seems not say the fault is not considered to be a multiple personality.

, such as "immersive" and "daydream" There is a kind of dissociation state, but because memory and self-identity is normal, it is distinguished from a multiple personality. Major feature of multiple personality is, by appearing personality, it is said memories of his own, self-identity is that it can vary considerably.

It should be noted that, even in the multiple personality, the memory of each of the personality are shared, not disturb the social life because another person is not exposed normally, because it does not even trouble himself any if, it is not a failure.

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disease, which is similar to multiple personality


Dari think myself that it is human beings other than your own, do not is there from symptoms such as hear the voice of the people, it seems there is also a case to be misdiagnosed as hallucinations, auditory hallucinations, delusions of schizophrenia.

However, in the case of schizophrenia, unrealistic delusion (his is a prime minister, etc.), chronic social devastation, thought disorder (not through the muscle of the story) is seen it has been with, but the multiple personality is said to not be seen.

big problems that arise by being misdiagnosed is that the method of treatment is different in schizophrenia and multiple personality. Psychotropic drugs to be used in the schizophrenia, the multiple personality has been said that there is no effect (which is that it is valid if it is a small amount of administration in order to ease the tension).

Continuing with the treatment of the remains was misdiagnosed schizophrenia, sometimes rather worse, it will only side effects when administered more powerful medicine is going to amplify.

borderline personality disorder

mood disorders and fickle sue frustrating, self-image symptoms of borderline personality disorder, such as confusion and distortion, it may be misdiagnosed as multiple personality. In borderline personality disorder often there is a transformation desire, it is said to be similar, such as symptoms appear.

borderline personality disorder is severe mood disorder, and I think was raving about the opponent, but is seen action, such as the next day curse thoroughly, principal of personality and identity (identity) instead of change, that the evaluation of the other party changes is different from the multiple personality.

In other words, to the characteristics of the multiple personality is the "dissociation (themselves divided)", the characteristics of borderline personality disorder can be said that it is "splitting (dividing the opponent)." Both will have a self-image that was split, but differ in how it is reflected in both the outside world, inner world.

In the case of multiple personality, in order to have a suppression experience of such abuse, but to handle the conflict and stress in the inner bounds, in the case of borderline personality disorder, to project itself to the outside, it to attack.

, such as trauma experiences and self-destructive behavior of childhood, many common points, for merger cases often discrimination is difficult, in order to clear either of whether the diagnosis is, standing in personality change and interview it is necessary to fit.

However as the definition of borderline personality disorder, also contains heavy dissociation symptoms, it is also said to be in the relationship between the two is very close.


symptoms of depression in a variety of mental illness is seen, in the case of multiple personality, it seems to be the merger of major depression and dysthymia can be seen. The most common symptoms at the time of the first visit of the multiple personality patients, also referred to as depressive symptoms, there are reports that as many as about 0%.

Among the diagnosis before that tend to be misdiagnosed disease of multiple personality, it is said that depression is up to the most about 70%. There are around symptoms, but it is so if a large mental burden is also possible to use a symptomatic antidepressant.


PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), post-traumatic stress in the disorder, mental instability, anxiety, such as insomnia and hyperarousal occurs, you may be a state of shock and flash back it appears.

Although the case complicated by multiple personality and PTSD has been said that not so many, trauma common point and that (trauma) is the cause, from symptoms such as dissociative flashback, both it is said to be in a close relationship.

PTSD is, war and disaster, but I think that it is transient trauma such incidents there is a image that occur because of these "simple type PTSD", the length trauma such as sexual abuse and DV those due to the fact that has been repeated time there is also a classification that the "complexity of PTSD."

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factors that multiple personality will develop

effects of stress

multiple personality is a failure of psychogenic rather than a physiological disorder because, it does not clear and cause as internal medicine or surgery is identified. It views will vary depending on age and researchers, the cause is not a one, or different from that of those who think by individuals is true with clinical.

Cause of multiple personality (dissociative disorder) is a strong mental stress of childhood - childhood has been said that most of the time. To factors of stress, abuse (psychological abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect), bullying, such as by repressive human relations parent, witnessed the murder and traffic accidents, will be cited, such as the family of death .

loss of the whereabouts

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