there is any sense in the numerical value of neutral fat?

but is neutral fat value, which is also the image that somehow is better lower the, this is actually a big mistake. There is a problem when triglyceride levels are too high, but it will give or too low is not good for the body effect.
in the first place and is neutral fat, whether you know or are you what kind of work together. Neutral fat is a source of energy to move the human body, it is mainly absorbed from the lipid contained in the food. Eat the food containing fat and small intestine is lipid absorption enters into the blood, will continue to be used in life activities of the body.
However, excess is the excess energy would ingest the lipid stored as fat, you would end up with a flab of Puyo in the body. That said, this neutral fat is because it is used as energy, such as life-sustaining activities and body temperature retention, it would come out health major impact in the made and the body not enough.
to understand properly the meaning of the numerical value of neutral fat, it should be one of the clues to know their health status.
is a neutral fat? The relationship between the reference value and cholesterol?
Did you know whether something that shows what the heck is a neutral fat. In addition, cholesterol is a kind of the same lipid and what there is of you will or relationship. To know each of the differences and the reference value, let's to be able to firmly grasp the state of their bodies.
is a neutral fat (TG)

neutral fat ( TG: triglycerides or triacylglycerols) four kinds of lipids (neutral lipids found in the body, phospholipids, glycolipids, steroids) carbohydrates such as one, sugar that is taken by mouth of the Ya carbohydrates, are synthesized in the liver and the like animal fat as a raw material. Neutral fat will be a source of energy to maintain the body, but will continue to be accumulated in the body as subcutaneous fat without being completely consumed and would overdose.
reference value of neutral fat, have been defined as 30~149mg / dl (Japan Atherosclerosis Society). Neutral fat value is characterized by the fact that a start-up from after a meal for about 30 minutes, reaches its peak after 4-6 hours.
reference value of neutral fat is different by the Society of
reference value of neutral fat, How can a medical institution that is based on the reference value for the introduction in the previous section Japan atherosclerosis Society is large, there is a variety of opinion by the Society, unlike even the numerical value you.
For example, the reference value of human dog Society has been taking into account the gender and age, the reference value of neutral fat man: 39~198mg / dl, woman: You are 32~134mg / dl. In addition cholesterol levels have been established finely by age. Also it is the first place not something neutral fat and cholesterol is bad at the Japan Society for Lipid Nutrition, and has been the claim, one time is enough there was a controversy of neutral fat and cholesterol values between the Society.
From a layman, but any numerical value will it correct that there is after all because the controversy of the Society of good, leave the decision of each medical institution basically because there is some truth to claims of any Society It seems to have settled down now in the state of.
For this reason, without judgment only by a numerical value of neutral fat and cholesterol, overall look something abnormal that is determined to do would not have become common.
neutral fat and cholesterol is different each
cholesterol is one of the lipid in the body as well as the neutral fat. It is some of the same lipid, but there are differences in the role that has become in the body.
(1) bad (LDL) cholesterol
bad (LDL) cholesterol, has a role to carry the cholesterol that has been synthesized in the liver to the whole body. Carried the body through the bloodstream, it will be the energy of the whole body of the cell, but in excess of the supplied too and vessel wall cholesterol to accumulate will be to accelerate the hardening of the arteries.
reference value of LDL cholesterol has been established with the 60~139mg / dl, high and dyslipidemia and arteriosclerosis than the test value is suspected, low and will be, such as cirrhosis of the liver is suspected you.
(2) the good guys (HDL) cholesterol
good guys (HDL) cholesterol, there is a work that was not used cholesterol recovered from the whole body back to the liver. Since the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood vessel wall is suppressed the more HDL cholesterol, we found that help in the prevention of arteriosclerosis.
reference value of HDL cholesterol is suspected, such as the number is as low as dyslipidemia and arteriosclerosis in 40~119mg / dl, but the number is high minute has been especially there is no problem .
a blood test first to know the neutral fat value
neutral fat value can be known by a blood test. Lipid test that measures the cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood, because it is required of the items to be carried out at about the health diagnosis and clinical survey, those who are worried, please ensure that you have firmly checked at that time.
rough guide at the time of the blood test are as follows.
29mg / dl or less: Low neutral dyslipidemia
30mg / dl - 149mg / dl: normal
150mg / dl - 299mg / dl: mild high neutral dyslipidemia
300mg / dl - 749mg / dl: moderately high triglyceride hyperlipidemia
750mg / dl or more: for advanced high neutral dyslipidemia
detail, the there please because we introduce you in more detail in the following please see.
for the numerical value and risk of triglyceride levels
If the neutral fat value was out of the normal value, the body there is in what state, what risk there is of you do? So we will explain to numerically, but please try against the your own test results by all means.
29mg / dl if the following low

neutral fat value is low state is given, that is fat-soluble vitamins is a fat that flows in the blood (vitamin a, vitamin E, β-carotene, etc.) is possible that there is nutritional deficiency state is insufficient. When the fat-soluble vitamins is low, palpitations Ya shortness of breath, dizziness or lightheadedness, fatigue of the body, has been a migraine, the symptoms such as arteriosclerosis happen.
In addition, the state continues and hyperthyroidism, liver disease, you must be careful that it may lead to diseases such as Addison's disease.
30 to the case of 149mg / dl
that triglyceride levels are normal, it will be considered a state in which the balance of the energy that is consumed with the energy that is ingested into the body is taken. However, since when triglyceride levels are high LDL cholesterol levels even in normal it will be diagnosed with hypercholesterolemia (one of dyslipidemia), not relieved to see only neutral fat value, please do so as to pay attention to other inspection items.
150 ~ 299mg / dl if mild high of
neutral fat value is state of slightly higher. If only neutral fat value is high, it has been that there are many that you do not become a particular problem if Minaose lifestyle, such as diet and exercise at this point. However, in addition to neutral fat value is 150mg / dl or more, if the cholesterol level is 220mg / dl or more, it will be diagnosed with hyperlipidemia.
in 1997. According to the hyperlipidemia diagnostic guidelines set forth by the Japan Atherosclerosis Society, established the cholesterol level 0~219mg / dl and the border zone, cholesterol levels by improving the diet and exercise habits it is listed and there is a need to encourage the effort to lower the.
300 ~ 749mg / dl if high to moderate
and neutral fat value is greater than or equal to 300mg / dl, in addition to disturbance or lack of exercise of the diet is determined that there is a risk factor, you will usually require urgent measures. Dyslipidemia and diabetes, hypothyroidism, Cushing's syndrome, obesity, because the risk of diseases such as liver failure is very high, we need to take a surely lower the neutral fat value measures.
750mg / dl if more highly high
is a state in which the neutral fat value has reached the danger area. If left as it is, hardening of the arteries and heart disease, is likely to develop, such as cerebral infarction will be very high. In addition, in order to increase the risk of developing acute pancreatitis is more than 1000mg / dl, as soon as possible is possible to reduce the neutral fat value will be very important by the drug treatment.
do not leave! And neutral fat value-based Remedy
neutral fat value-based Solution commentary and we will. Even if it does not deviate from the larger reference value to there, because there also deteriorated and would leave the state, a countermeasure that can now grasp properly, so as to improve the neutral fat value even a little but please.
29mg / dl following:. Low neutral dyslipidemia
in lower than the reference value numerical value of sex fat is less than or equal to 29mg / dl is determined to be low-neutral fat blood disease, it will examine the presence or absence of a disease that is the cause.
The result of the inspection, have been particularly like there is no abnormal thyroid and liver, is the state by reviewing a number of cases diet is improved if there is only a low triglyceride levels. Please do eat properly three meals a good meal of nutritional balance First.
In addition, carbohydrates and sugar for diet, if you have gone too limiting, such as lipids, so also is possible that the body has fallen into a state of lack of energy, these foods it is also effective to moderate intake.
150 ~ 299mg / dl:. Mild high neutral dyslipidemia
If the number of neutral fat of 150~299mg / dl are diagnosed with mild high triglyceride blood disease. There are currently no need of drug therapy, but more neutral fat value to start a diet and exercise therapy will come measures out is necessary to take the so as not to increase.
In addition, according to the criterion of Japan Ningen Dock Society, if triglyceride levels of 150~249mg / dl, but will be required follow-up, as required detailed examination or treatment and greater than or equal to 250mg / dl is.
300 ~ 749mg / dl:. Moderately high triglyceride hyperlipidemia
and neutral fat value is determined to be high moderate high triglyceride blood disease in moderate than the reference value, lowering the value of neutral fat to ensure implementation of the diet and exercise therapy There is a need. Also, if the triglyceride levels in addition to diet and exercise is determined to be at risk factors that highs, drug therapy is performed in accordance. In addition, if neutral fat value is greater than or equal to 500mg / dl, but as is often teaching abstinence from the doctor.
750mg / dl or more:. Advanced high neutral dyslipidemia
and neutral fat value is the advanced high-neutral lipemia of more than 750mg.dl, conduct drug therapy for risk of developing pancreatitis is high, certainly lower the neutral fat value measures will be taken . Especially if as neutral fat value is greater than 1000mg / dl, to become prone to acute pancreatitis, you will need treatment to lower the triglyceride levels.
First of all you need to know the point at which to improve the neutral fat value
in order to improve the neutral fat value, is very important to review the lifestyle. But, if in case there is a leadership of the main inspection, etc., etc. health diagnosis, please to take measures in accordance with the instructions of the doctor first visited the hospital. Since there are also neutral fat value or more background that something serious disease in the is hidden, Try to grasp firmly my state without careless as "mere neutral fat".
First, try to visit the hospital

health diagnosis, such as abnormalities in triglyceride levels There are, please so as to visit properly when you are teaching the visits to the hospital. And it is allowed to stand, "in particular to no problem just by just fat" considered, such as slightly higher also, diabetes and hypothyroidism, can cause diseases such as liver failure.
neat admitted to hospital, but please to receive appropriate treatment in accordance with the instructions of the doctor.
will reconsider their lifestyle
the neutral fat value is high people, that obesity and overeating in many, lack of exercise, stress too much, drinking, habits such as smoking is said to be seen. If you see something like these conditions have continued to chronic, let's go a review of lifestyle from the place that can be their own.
in order to reduce the
neutral fat value, it is very important that not too take the food and sugars that contains many animal fats. Also, because it contains basically a considerable amount of sugar in soft drinks (about 20g~50g), but please try to try to reduce a little more often opportunity to drink soft drinks.
Moreover, it is the aerobic exercise to have been particularly effective in order to improve the neutral fat value. Walking or cycling, jogging, leads, etc. to do when the lowering of neutral fat and improves blood circulation swimming. Further improvement of blood pressure in aerobic exercise, improvement of diabetes, you can also expect a variety of effects such as prevention, such as myocardial infarction and stroke.
those who do not in the habit of the current exercise is, by all means about three times the movement of about 30 minutes to 60 minutes a day for a total of a week, but please try working to continue in the long term.
consultation with First hospital if there is an abnormality in the neutral fat value
when you are pointed out the anomaly as a number of health diagnosis of neutral fat, First of all, please so as to visit the hospital to properly as instructed. Yourself not possible to assert that there is no possibility that has become a serious illness within that are not noticed. Properly in response to the inspection, Try to follow the instructions of the doctor.
In addition, even if that has not been instructed to somewhat abnormal visits even hospital, so please conduct a review of lifestyle first. After one year in the now all right, it is also not unusual for a big impact after two years to come out. Improve neatly lifestyle you think that the cause of neutral fat highs, it is important to continue.
because it is less likely to be immediately major impact if there is a neutral fat value is somewhat abnormal comes out, it is liable to stand with. But since this may lead from there to the serious illness, please do so as to take the firm measures.
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