Tooth decay, painful though healed ... doing I was there is that do not

Tooth decay, painful though healed ... doing I was there is that do not - tooth decay, painful though healed ... I was there is what NOT to do

after caries treatment of the pain?

When you have finished the treatment of tooth decay thought, "is released from barely dental caries" rainy day pain! Do not never say? Pain of teeth Irasshaimasu Nante could not sleep painful and very awkward. I'm anxious when there is pain. This time, will tell about the cause and the remedy to be considered in pain after the treatment of dental caries.

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is and what is considered the cause of the pain after dental caries treatment?

nerve has become hypersensitive

to when the treatment of dental caries, is so it may become a nerve hypersensitivity by scraping the teeth painful. In most cases, yes come calm the pain in a few days. However, tooth decay or deeper is going to close to the nerve, until the pain comes calm, it seems some people take about a year from six months.

really really I mechanism of human teeth, if tooth decay was close to the nerve, is so create a new layer of the teeth to protect the nerve. But this is referred to as a "second dentin", it takes a little time before it is this layer. After treatment, even out the pain, now, let's wait for the teeth in the only painful person rest without possible because it may be that working hard and trying to protect the nerves of the "second dentin".

in the part of the nerve that contains the bacteria

when tooth decay was very deep, even though fully take tooth decay, is so there is a case where some of the bacteria they've entered the nerve . If the pain persists, it seems made for the treatment to take the nerve of the tooth, but it is a waste to a treatment that immediately take the nerve so take the nerve teeth of life will be shortened. Pain Let's look at the situation as much as possible because it is likely in some cases temporary.

due to

[虫歯が進み神経の治療になった場合] of nerve left behind pain

will be shifted to talk a little from tooth decay treatment, but tooth decay will progress, nerve If you have been reached, will the treatment take a nerve. Teeth were treated to take this nerve is usually pain because the nerve is no longer is no longer felt.

tooth nerves, rather than one, there is nothing present, so are some people you have a small nerve that can not be taken in the treatment of nerve by the people. In this case, the nerve of fine branched part is so the room there is a nerve corresponding with your medicine to close naturally.

covered products is cause aching

after the

covered products, if there is to feel a painful bite is, That's right there is a case in engagement is high. When the engagement is high, it is so certain that it is will hit strongly pain. In this case, ask them to adjust the engagement at the dentist's. Moreover, it is so there is a case likely to feel especially smarting If you put the metal of the covered products.

This is so because easy metals conduct heat. Look at the little state while not adding too much stimulus, if continued even after a few months, let's consult your dentist. As it is considered also in other, engagement is the period of provisional packed, because it did not bite strongly, is so if there is also a bone of around have become loose.

By using the teeth little by little, familiar with the teeth around in about one month Let's look at the situation because it is likely no longer pain. If the pain persists, yes there is a possibility that will be the treatment of if necessary to check the status of the roots of teeth taking the X-ray after three to six months roots.

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pain after dental caries treatment indefinitely Following?

2~3 days after treatment Let's look at how

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tooth decay treatment, in order to sharpen the teeth with high-speed drill, absolutely heat although to cool out your water is generated, and its stimulus it easy out pain transmitted to the tooth is more likely. The pain, after treatment because it is temporary is often the case, is two or three days, let's look at the situation so as not to give too much stimulus.

If the subsequent 1-3 weeks and, is sometimes followed by about a year from six months by the person

earlier was also to tell but, if the tooth decay was close to the nerve, after treatment, cold in your mouth, is easy to likely stimulus is transmitted, such as hot. Depending on whether the dental caries was close to how much nerve, is different so period in which the pain subsides.

In addition there is also individual difference period of up to be ready is "second dentin" that will protect the nerve, is so in some cases it takes about a year from six months. Pain is strong and so if you do not tolerate become a therapeutic to take a nerve Let's look at the situation as much as possible.

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teeth the first aid to stop the pain?

soothe drink the pain

Let's reduce the pain with a cup of pain. Pain of the teeth is so thing strong among the pain stop. If the thing of the commercially available, have emerged from the first Sankyo health care's "Loxonin S", it seems almost the same as those formulated in dentistry. Effect appeared about 30 minutes after taking, yes followed by about four hours.

- If you are allergic to asthma and pyrine of the drug can not be taken
- do not drink with alcohol

- once up to 2 tablets , it is prohibited
- late pregnancy taking less than dosing interval is more than 4 hours
, 15-year-old does not take

, stomach is not taking in the empty state
more than the main attention because it is the point, but there is a thing to be careful also to the other, at the time of taking Let's be sure to confirm the attached document is.

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to chilled calm

cold pita or wet towels, etc. were, please cooled from the cheek side. Pain of teeth, because it is likely to take place by compressing the nerve, that cool, to slow down the flow of blood flow, is so can be expected to alleviate the pain.

Just because a good cool, including the ice in the mouth, and you Hiyaso teeth directly, so also likely some that it would increase the pain becomes a stimulus, such cool way is Let's stop.

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that you should not do when your tooth hurts

fiddle with teeth

pain in the mood, pain adds stimulus to the teeth when you or jolt hit or comes out strongly there seems to be put away. At the time of the meal, also to use at a stretch would get used to if you're using, because the stimulus in the same way would join, I'll have to rest as little as possible used.


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by alcohol, is so certain that the temporary pain center is paralyzed settles. However, since the blood pressure the better the blood flow and drink alcohol goes up, it is so then the pain would increase.

entering the hot bath

and warm entered the hot bath body goes back up blood pressure, so the pain would increase is. Not only into the hot bath, act or simply warm or, so is vigorous exercise, such as sweat, not only the bath would increase the pain.

when there is a pain, let's spend the rest.

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trust Let's talk to the dentist can be

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how it was. That the pain comes after the treatment of tooth decay is caused particularly well if tooth decay is greater. If the pre-taught me the possibility that the pain is out to, I think that ease anxiety can mind ready for.

Since the charge of teacher also think that there is also unexpected pain out thing, feel free Description If there is no anxiety about the pain, or contact the teacher who has charge of, to hear how to deal I think that it is good to see. In addition, it may be good also to find a dentist that you can trust us to firm the description, including such possibilities.

further speaking, in such as regular checkups before the pain out, such idea to find a dentist I think we can overlook the treatment with confidence when it becomes to tooth decay.

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