Before that becomes a "pain of the stomach ... gastroenteritis?". Before it up immunity

Before that becomes a "pain of the stomach ... gastroenteritis?". Before it up immunity - "pain of the stomach ... gastroenteritis?" In yogurt. The yogurt up
immunity in

gastroenteritis yogurt is effect?

"gastroenteritis". Stomach and intestines become inflamed "gastroenteritis", is a familiar disease to us among the digestive system of the disease. In discomfort or diarrhea and vomiting of stomach typical symptoms, also accompanied by many symptoms that are no longer eat things with it. In many cases, the cause is what happens when bacteria and viruses has increased too much beyond the resistance of the body. In particular, since it is often prevalent in summer and winter, the coming season with caution.

and say the health of the stomach, first comes to mind for the "yogurt". Yogurt increased bacteria by eating lactic acid bacteria such as the sugar (lactose) contained in milk, born a unique hardness. This lactic acid bacteria is also a typical bacteria in beneficial bacteria in the human stomach. To eat the lactic acid bacteria are good bacteria can lead to create an environment in the intestine.

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okay to eat yogurt?


when the diarrhea and nausea

healthy dairy products wished for. Among them, yogurt is not only calcium, because the lactic acid bacteria is also working to arrange a rich and stomach, is the food you want to incorporate aggressively. However, it might be better to stop eating to say that no matter how good for the body.

as the typical example is the case where there is diarrhea and nausea. Contains bacteria and viruses Some of the body, the work is a normal immune system, it is processed as there is no harm to the body. However, the body when there is diarrhea and nausea in gastroenteritis, since the processing only is this mechanism can not keep up, anyway will try to Serve on the outside of the body of the bacteria.

As a result, out of the body in such a way that vomiting and diarrhea will try to Serve bacteria and viruses. This time is a time to try to Serve food from among the digestive organs. At this time, the will to be repeated vomiting even eat reasonably well appetite.

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dietary restriction of the flow of gastroenteritis

you when the gastroenteritis need to choose what if you eat carefully. Point is that eat what they can eat. Also what is good for your health in daily diet, is also there one is better not to eat at the time of gastroenteritis. The author himself, has experienced a gastroenteritis at a time when work had been weakened busy body. Based also the time of the experience will tell about the meal at the time of the gastroenteritis.

moisture only fasting of

of gastroenteritis while the meal to see what to eat for the first time from that of the smooth time, we will gradually return to the usual diet of solid. Now, whether the first stage water is drinkable. If there is nausea and vomiting water is impaired, awful time, you may dehydration occurs. It is important to replenish the moisture in order to prevent dehydration.

should drink, rather than things like tap water and mineral water, it is recommended as it can compensate for the lost electrolytes. Such as the OS-1 is also arranged in the department of heatstroke measures, such as drugstore would be a good "oral rehydration therapy" it is. That said, there is also the worst case when it is better to hit the drip so ends up vomiting the water.

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24 hours symptom None if to those easy to digest as liquid diet

moisture can take you tell

destination if so, now takes a soft digestion is likely to food, such as a liquid diet. Since the guide only because 24 hours, you rest your body kept to oral rehydration solution if it is unreasonable or to determine whether or not to eat. Yogurt is in at this time, pudding, jelly, which does not contain fruit and Golon would be good, and the like.

digestion is good food is food dietary fiber and fat, protein is small. Vegetables would be better to avoid at this stage because the dietary fiber is large. In the case of the author to check whether drink miso soup without ingredients, was eating mashed tofu is ingredients with a spoon. If those who have made the baby food of baby, baby food steps please refer to so close to the diet at the time of gastroenteritis.

Let's gradually changed to those pasty

When you are ready to good in a thick and digestion can eat, will continue in place of the meal with a little more firmness.
here recommended ingredients is the banana. Please try to eat mashed banana with a spoon. Bananas would be may be the white part of the bread if there.

The banana and bread is rich in sugar. It is possible to replenish the energy lost in gastroenteritis is encouraging food. Of course, please do not forget to replenish moisture.

to a small amount of normal diet


porridge I ☆

well, mashed banana is eaten, if it also okay state things a little more firm, we are closer to the usual diet. First of all soft and Thailand rice porridge and pickled plum, please try the white color of carbohydrates such as iodine noodles. If there is impossible, that boiled soft vegetables (okay in miso soup) and, please eat what was heated soften the low protein fat and fiber, such as tofu and chicken.

to increase the amount gradually while watching the tone of the stomach Let's return to a normal diet.

is the cause of the page to TOP


Well, Why is happen gastroenteritis. Gastroenteritis, sometimes suddenly occur. The main cause is due to bacteria.

The main cause is bacteria and viruses

gastroenteritis with vomiting and diarrhea ( cause of infectious gastroenteritis) is said to be those of the infection due to bacteria and viruses account for the majority. I think in bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, pathogenic E. coli, Campylobacter have heard once in the news of the food poisoning, and the like.

also infection of many rotavirus in infants, seems to be infection of norovirus to increase in winter is the main cause. These bacteria and viruses such as air in if the life we ​​have, there are also those touching on a daily basis. Especially when the body is tired, these bacteria There are many adults can cause and would increase in the body gastroenteritis when immunity is down.

special attention you want to infection due to gastroenteritis

infection route of bacteria and viruses in several ways. Suck those that are flying in the air, and so eat such foods with a bacteria or virus. Among them, I want to note is the infection of by touching the mouth with the hand that has the bacteria and viruses that becomes a pathogen. The person who caused the gastroenteritis have symptoms of diarrhea and vomiting, touching as it is other people without firm hand washing, such as the mouth with their hands after handling the diarrhea and vomiting contaminated diapers and toys, etc. you might want to infection by touching.

who was nursed was nursed family members are often in contact with the bacteria would cause gastroenteritis. In addition, a few days after the fall of ~ symptoms when there is diarrhea and vomiting in case it took to norovirus is by the company, also heard the place to be in attendance prohibition for spread of infection prevention.

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prevention of infectious gastroenteritis is this!

prevention of infectious gastroenteritis, important that it is not Morawa the bacteria, that does not increase is. But as long as bacteria and viruses, as mentioned earlier you are alive, it is something that can not be avoided. However, it is useful to enhance the body's immune function.

yogurt there is a suppression effect of gastroenteritis?

be toning stomach, recently can lead to the improvement of the body's immune function It has become a hot topic. About 70% of the people of immunity plays the intestinal tract. Since the main organs to absorb the nutrition of food is the intestines, where it is also in order not to absorb the harmful ones would say an important immune function.

Well, this gut immunity is greatly influenced by drinking the breast milk at the time of the baby. In the background of the fact that important to drink the breast milk, because lactoferrin to be ingested in large quantities in breast milk is believed to be action to promote the healthy development of the newborn immune system, nervous system and the endocrine system.

seems yogurt containing the lactoferrin and lactic acid bacteria has been increasing recently. Chokatsu, I think I see well a feature, such as. Since calcium is also rich foods, you may well incorporated into everyday meal.

In addition, a good yogurt when infected with the norovirus, but it seems there is information that, meal of the symptoms of norovirus including gastroenteritis is as we discussed earlier.

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Yakult immune up

Well, was remembered Yakult heard that the lactic acid bacteria or would only author. I think that come a lot of those who drank Yakult of small bottles in the lunch. And a little introduction because the product is out of action for toning stomach has been scientifically proven to Yakult "Tokuho".

Recently, an increasing number of food of FOSHU (food for specified health use). When the roughly say, unlike the so-called health food, are discussed in the scientific of human studies the impact effect is in the food you can expect to health, is the food that the country has allowed the display.

's the product that Miruju, but includes a galactooligosaccharide to become bait of bifidobacteria is the beneficial bacteria in the intestine, so better keep the environment in the intestine to increase the bifidobacteria, tummy and prepares the tone. For example, to incorporate the beverage of Tokuho toning of such tummy if anyone who instead of juice drink juice to snack is, you will be considered as one of the way in considering the immunity of the intestine.

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healthy established a tone of stomach

of gastroenteritis to create a body that does not lose to bacteria and virus is the cause is important to the workings of the immune. That toning stomach, is said to lead to the improvement of the intestinal tract immunity. Scientifically yogurt that function there is also a commodity that was observed toning stomach. To try incorporating the yogurt to the usual diet, there is a possibility that lead to immune function works very well.

Tokyo Kagakudojin Applied Nutrition 4th Edition
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare e- health net

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