to be a food poisoning in clams is?
food poisoning it and that sterilization and viruses that cause food poisoning in food and food is attached, harmful to the body, toxic such material will occur by eating what is included.
cooked using the clams that corruption has been managed by the unsanitary environment or have begun clams, may result in the food poisoning would have entered into the body in a state in which bacteria and viruses do not die.
cause or reason to be food poisoning in clams is?
food poisoning by shellfish
bivalves such as clams and scallops might plankton is food would have the poison in the cause. And it eats the poisoning was shellfish, causing food poisoning symptoms such as paralysis and diarrhea.
especially paralytic shellfish poison has a strength of about par with fugu poisoning, it may be life-threatening and it is severe. Shellfish ate the poisonous plankton as bait will continue to accumulate toxins in the body.
what is called the shellfish is located about five, but, what is common in Japan, it is a "paralytic shellfish poison," "diarrhea shellfish poison". Paralysis shellfish poisoning is clams seen throughout the country, scallops, every year, such as mussels, it has occurred.
food poisoning caused by Vibrio parahaemolyticus
Vibrio parahaemolyticus is raw fish and seafood cause is a bacterium of. Often you are in the coastal seawater and sea mud, have the characteristic to grow where there is salt. Conversely, a weak nature to fresh water and heat.
temperature is a tremendous amount of growth and seawater is equal to or greater than 20 ℃ at 15 ℃ or more. The fish and shellfish caught in the time of this temperature and ocean temperatures there are many that are attached is Vibrio parahaemolyticus.
Vibrio parahaemolyticus bacteria than the bacteria that cause the other food poisoning, there is a feature of early growth. When attached, such as on the cutting board will cause a secondary infection. The food poisoning caused by Vibrio parahaemolyticus is most often occurs, it will continue until July to September, while the increase from May to June.
Cause will occur by eating raw fish and seafood that has been contaminated with the bacteria. In addition, at the time of cooked food that has been contaminated with this bacteria, it may be a secondary infection from, such as cutting boards and hands.
food poisoning due to Norovirus
Noro virus is the virus to grow in the human small intestine . 85 ℃ ~ 0 ℃ in 0 seconds or more, the virus Masu infectivity lost by heating.
is the raw oyster's is considered the most as a route of infection. Only raw oysters to outbreaks at schools is not a cause, it seems the damage by a secondary infection is enlarged.
Cause 2 Rosa rugosa (clams, clam, oyster) and that eats not sufficiently heated, and also happens that would drink such as contaminated tap water or well water to the virus.
incubation period of the bacteria that causes food poisoning?
food poisoning by shellfish with clams, etc.
is the cause of the food poisoning eating clams there are shellfish poison. Shellfish poison is about five, lot of seen in the clams are "paralytic shellfish poison," "diarrhea shellfish poison".
- paralytic incubation period after a meal 30 minutes of shellfish poison
, diarrheal shellfish poisoning incubation period after a meal 30 minutes to 4 hours
for shellfish do not die be heated and would take, there are many that the symptoms may appear. Some people do not develop during. There is no problem in the clams of a controlled environment. The clams were collected outside the control of the location, such as shellfish gathering is required attention.
food poisoning caused by Vibrio parahaemolyticus bacteria clams
those that cause food poisoning by eating clams to do this, there is a Vibrio parahaemolyticus.
- incubation period 10 to 24 hours of Vibrio parahaemolyticus, short if 2 to 3 hours
eat hiding in the body 10 to 24 hours after, will appear symptoms such as abdominal pain . If the short is sometimes symptoms appear two to three hours.
almost be restored in two to three days, but the people that the elderly and immune force is reduced can also cause a heart attack in the toxin.
food poisoning due to Norovirus clams
the food poisoning that occurs in clams Noro virus Yes you.
- Noro virus incubation period of 24-28 hours
Noro virus invades the body hiding 24-26 hours, it is said to cause infections and food poisoning. The day before or two days before the meal is often the cause.
sometimes, such as over 38 ℃ of high fever along with abdominal pain. Following symptoms about 1-2 days, we went to recover in about three days.
are the symptoms it was in when food poisoning in the food?
symptoms of shellfish poisoning
around the symptoms
· lips of paralytic shellfish poison is numbness.
· numbness will spread to the whole body from the neck.
· severe in comes to numbness will be paralyzed.
, paralysis occurs with ataxia and language disorder, there are times when death becomes a respiratory paralysis.
symptoms of diarrhea shellfish poison
, diarrhea
, nausea
and vomiting
, abdominal pain
Vibrio parahaemolyticus symptoms
symptoms of Vibrio parahaemolyticus
, severe abdominal pain
, diarrhea
, fever
· nausea
, vomiting
- rarely attacked by a bloody stool
onset to and severe abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, also develop fever. In rare cases it can also cause numbness and cyanosis.
symptoms of Norovirus
Norovirus symptoms of
, nausea
and vomiting
, abdominal pain
, diarrhea
- 37-38 degrees of heat generation
initial have many people that low-grade fever comes out, suddenly, attacked by a severe pain and discomfort, scratchy abdominal pain, such as to involve occurs nausea.
symptoms happens if worse?
may become dehydrated from diarrhea
is one diarrhea of painful symptoms in the symptoms of food poisoning. There is also a case to be as bad as not out of the toilet. When the symptoms of diarrhea is worse, the body can cause dehydration.
and symptoms of diarrhea is prolonged and worsening the body of moisture and minerals will be deficient. Since about 60% of the body are made of moisture, temperature adjustment and the body metabolism and moisture and minerals is insufficient is not performed correctly, it may become worsen the physical condition.
requires careful attention that it may symptoms of dehydration will die with the last for a long time. At the time when the symptoms of diarrhea appeared it has become a state in which the body does not accept the moisture.
Therefore, for 5-6 hours to appear symptoms of diarrhea is impossible to better repeat the diarrhea is better likely not take the moisture. Once symptoms begin to calm, it is to drink slowly a small amount of sports drinks.
You bloody stool comes out
over a long period of time it may not subside diarrhea on, there may be a bloody stool from infection of pathogenic E. coli. It would be better to have undergone a medical examination immediately at the hospital in this case. Since
state that the intestinal mucosa is bleeding wounded by bacteria, it is dangerous to stand as it is. It is trying to heal a commercially-available drugs Let's absolutely stop.
may cause numbness and impaired consciousness
, such as paralytic shellfish poison If symptoms worsen, you may numbness is transferred to paralysis. There is also a risk that lose their lives and worse and severe to the disturbance of consciousness from paralysis.
If the numbness also put to appear or time does not fit the symptoms Try to visit as soon as possible. Also, such as one and the time to go to the hospital than from happening disturbance of consciousness, so you will not be able to also be called an ambulance to take early consultation is important.
Remedy and treatment of when it is food poisoning in the food is?
treatment of food poisoning by shellfish
treatment of paralytic shellfish poisoning, diarrhea shellfish poison
and treatment is not particularly. Do
- symptomatic therapy.
toxins of the body in diarrhea and vomiting is discharged in about 12 hours, it will head to the recovery. Try to take the water to a small blister in order to prevent dehydration.
treatment of food poisoning caused by Vibrio parahaemolyticus
treatment law is not particularly, symptoms and two to three days is directed to the natural recovery. And it would stop the diarrhea, such as in the anti-diarrhea delay the discharge of the body of a fungus, taking it will cause that to prolong the symptoms is looks good person who was ahead.
treatment of food poisoning due to Norovirus
Norovirus infection force is strong children and the elderly are often to be severe, but 0% of the people as long as an adult is, you have to recover without the drip and medication.
is basically there is no home care surprising treatment. So we will recover repeatedly other food poisoning as well as diarrhea and vomiting, be careful so as not to dehydration in small blister fluid intake.
Notes and prophylaxis of when to eat the clams so as not to be food poisoning?
how to eat clams
clams that are sold in the commercial is to be heated sufficiently, it is possible to prevent the onset of food poisoning.
, 85 degrees or more and heat 1 minute or more.
will prevent this to become a food poisoning in the commercial clams if observe this thing chitin. However, clam is I think you have some people eat has taken on their own in such as shellfish gathering.
In fact, in the clam shell gathering there is a risk of shellfish. Shellfish poison is seen in shellfish such as clams taken at bay toxic plankton has occurred. Asari, which is commercially available is the original managed clam shipment regulation.
, however, such as clams shipping regulations outside of because of clamming there is a risk of shellfish, shellfish will not be able to extinguish the poison be heated.
Notes of clams
, but earlier was also to introduce, the food poisoning caused by clams I think whether it is desirable to eat a commercial clams is to prevent.
and clams, which are sold in the state in which immersed in water, if possible, put the clams in a container filled with water, such as those sold while continuing flow of water would be good.
Asari well wear the sand upon the sand removing at home seems to say that fresh. Such as those clams of Kara does not open shellfish be heated or have cracked is safe and to make omit take.
prophylaxis for not to food poisoning in clams
clams in, it is important heating thorough. And it is also important to wash your hands frequently touched the clams and the like prior to heating.
cookware, such as monkeys washing the clams also Try to wash well. If the If came out people to sue, such as abdominal pain in the family, let's thorough hand washing the in order to prevent secondary infection.
or stop to use the same towel, even in only toilet seat, such as a toilet to be used from wipe with what can be sterilization, you can prevent a secondary infection.
food poisoning every year, 4
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