There was a way to end early physiological! Caution about the life habits and menstrual blood control should be there was a way to end early

There was a way to end early physiological! Caution about the life habits and menstrual blood control should be there was a way to end early - physiological! Caution about the life habits and menstrual blood control should be

modern people has long physiological period

compared with the old woman, modern man is so physiological period is longer. Why old woman whether a short physiological period of time, let's consider the difference between modern.

average physiological period

woman's body, always for pregnancy we ready, but will be reset at a constant cycle and pregnancy is not established. It is intended to be referred to as physiological, it is to bleeding peel off for turnover endometrial which was equipped with the pregnancy. Basically, the period of menstruation, about 3 to 7 days has been said that the average length. Many women second day, flows out of a large amount of blood on the third day, then is followed by a small amount of bleeding.

difference ① changes in the toilet of the old woman

is first idea is , is the change in the toilet of the form. A long time ago, but was a Japanese-style toilet, modern Western-style toilet has become the mainstream. Why not in the most Western-style toilet at home? Such as small children is enough there is also that it does not make yourself understood the use in the Japanese-style toilet.

When the toilet forms of why say whether to affect the physiological period, because the Japanese-style toilet is in the attitude that hunker down, enters force on the nature and the vagina, is so menstrual blood at that time is likely to flow out . But in the case of now the waist put the attitude of Western-style toilet, It is said that is low that the menstrual blood to flow out at the time of the toilet.

difference of difference ② eating habits of the old woman

as compared to the old days , modern eating habits are now many such as carbohydrates and lipids. Such a carbohydrate containing a large amount of lipid meal, out sticky to the menstrual blood, It seems hard to discharged and refreshing. Then, because it does not flow out easily, also it is of that led to that result followed by a lazy and physiological period forever.

enhance the difference ③ disposable napkins and old women

now hygiene But disposable sanitary napkin that was rich in functional There are a lot of. Disposable napkins is very convenient, but it is also seems to cause physiological period of modern women are stretched.

Since the old days did not have these sanitary napkins, I usually Tamekomi menstrual blood to tighten the vagina, in the toilet that flow together by loosening the vagina, is so could anyone . This is called "menstrual blood control". Later about this "menstrual blood control", and then in more detail introduce.

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physiological period of three short merit

prevent the rash

When the physiological period is long, delicate zone by rash or stuffiness , it will cause the itchy. If it is possible to end quickly the physiology, it can also prevent such discomfort.

saving of sanitary napkins bill

sanitary product does not mean much less expensive , but it is you want as much as possible savings when it comes to monthly. Shorter the physiological period, because is why fewer Even napkins, it will save. That amount, even to try to change to a high-performance type of napkins, such as you have never ever used, it might go up the mood of a little during menstruation!

melancholy release from the mood

during menstruation is, of course, such as menstrual cramps painful but, become a hassle and the melancholy mood of until the end, I think you also that motivation is reduced by half. Such negative the mood is released from, Let's end as soon as possible the physiological!

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lifestyle to end early the physiological

physiology before refrain in food

sugar and salt, what a lot of lipids is menstrual blood drop easily and will, it will be difficult to come out. So, let's refrain is what a lot of sugar, salt-lipid.

For example, instant food and fried potatoes, and so sweet bun. Since none-eat easy it is an opportunity to eat, such as lunch lighter often. Especially trans-fatty acids contained instant food and convenience stores lunch, such as frozen foods, because by reducing the good cholesterol would issue a stickiness in the blood, in order to finish quickly the physiology, Try to refrain as much as possible.

food you want to take in the physiological

laver, brown seaweed, black sesame, seaweed, raisins, prunes, it is said that a good black ingredients such as black beans. Food of these "black" has been said that there is work to help the function of the uterus and ovaries. By activating the uterus and ovaries, around the blood is getting better, because menstrual blood is more likely to be discharged into the smooth, it leads to be terminated early physiological.

attention to posture to sit in a chair

when you sit in a chair, a force in the ass and would sit with the Beta' without putting, or uterus is compressed, is so tight in the vagina becomes worse. When you sit in the chair, with the bones sticking out most of the ass in a chair, sit to make a pelvis. Then the uterus is fit neatly into the original position, which is so in a state in which the vagina is also firm. As a result, since so can flow properly menstrual blood, is called also to be terminated early physiological.

to the image so that the walk from the pit of the stomach

when we walk, the foot not only the muscle, is so we will also be making use of muscle per solar plexus. However, to become a stoop and can not be used well with the muscle of the solar plexus, is that of the result in a result, the pressure on the uterus. So, if you image that has grown feet from the pit of the stomach when you walk, growth is natural and down my spine, because there is no that the uterus is also crushed, is so bring also good effect on the physiology.

change the sanitary napkins

also a method that try to change the sanitary napkins to take the plunge Yes you.
napkin only ones receiving a flowing menstrual blood, but the tampon is what to directly absorb the menstrual blood that has accumulated in the vagina. Since menstrual blood does not come out easily remain in the vagina for it is not necessary to wait to come out, it seems possible to expect the effect to end early physiological.

In addition, recently, it is being attention cloth napkins. In fact, disposable napkins, there is action to cool the uterus and vagina, it will dulled the function of the uterus and vagina. People who feel and try using a cloth napkin fairly dust and warm it seems there are many. Since the warm and menstrual blood is discharged to smooth, even reduce menstrual cramps, is that of to be able to end early physiological.

consciousness to be so flush out the blood

was the use squat

you squat toilet, was the attitude that can be discharged menstrual blood smoothly. Western-style toilet is the mainstream, because plus the use sitting, now it is difficult to do one's menstrual blood and not devised.

In the case of Western-style toilet, there is a way that sit on the toilet seat and stooping. Sitting bend over in front so that the vagina is perpendicular to the toilet, and to allow exhale so as to dent the lower abdomen, menstrual blood that had accumulated in the vagina will be ejected.

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for the menstrual blood control

is the menstrual blood control

as a way to end early

first physiology, the "menstrual blood control" your to introduce.
and menstrual blood control, in a way that emissions as much as possible toilet menstrual blood, of the time when the napkin is not yet widespread, is so women who had spent in kimono had practice. By loosen or tighten the vagina, is an image to be aware of in the same way as for excretion menstrual blood even in the toilet.

In fact, this method is, by modern life that was too convenient, revived the work of the body that are asleep, it has been said to reduce the discomfort of physiology. Also it is possible not only to end early physiological, disturbance of the menstrual cycle is also so there is an advantage to or well-equipped ones suits them.

menstrual blood control point of

menstrual blood control, soft and the uterus soft , and how to use the body of the vaginal opening is tightened. By uterus becomes soft, it leads to the reduction of menstrual cramps, that do one aware of the menstrual blood tempered the vagina, is so will be terminated early physiological.

However, the uterus of a modern woman is not nervous, vagina is loose Daranto. For example, when you sit in a chair, do you need to sit close the feet? Sitting not be not, seems to evidence that loose vagina. In other words, are you've at all become the use of the exact opposite of the body from the ideal. It has been said that they've let me decline the original work uterus.

In will introduce exercises to regain the function of the uterus.

exercise ① tits massage

chest is deeply involved with physiology, menstrual irregularities the people will not have needles to, terrible human menstrual pain is so has been hard to chattering. You're working in the uterus by a massage, hormone is secreted it is said that the uterus is softened.

① will or horizontal stand open to shoulder width of the foot
② right hand with your hand to the left of the chest, rubbing the big chest from the bottom of the chest up to per clavicle masu
③ to the other side in the same way gently massage.

eye ​​Yasuha, one by the left and right for more than one minute
Let's massage as stroking gently with the baby

exercise ② uterus of massage

try to touch the per there is a stomach of the uterus, if there is a hard feeling or not cool, in the uterus becomes hard that's right blood flow is getting worse. We'll loosen and gently stroked the uterus.

① will or horizontal stand open to shoulder width of the foot
② your hand around with a uterus (just above the pubic bone), and pat gently
③ out warm, let's massage until soft

guideline is more than 2 minutes. Let's also gently massage as stroking a baby.

exercise ③ pelvic gymnastics

pelvis to soften, wrapped in the pelvis and softening the uterus you are.

"procedure in his back"
make a ① knee, will be on his back
② leave the ass was put on the floor, shake To wobbling about 8 times to the left and right
③ to stop the movement, I feel that the Jiwa' and the blood flow is getting better
④ Repeat about this 10 times

"procedure remain seated"
① sciatic in with the image so as to put the weight, sit erect
the ② sciatic on top of the chair, so as to cause the slide to the left or right, you rock the hip
swaying to → resting until pleasantly ③ → also Shakes, repeat several times

exercise ④ tightening of the vagina due to respiration

After the exercise, which the uterus is soft, let the practice to tighten the vagina. This does not matter when you are sitting, even when you are standing. Please try to practice when I noticed every day.

Wear lightly breath from ① opening.
while Sucking ② slowly breathe through the nose, so that you tighten the image that pulled above the vagina.
Once fully suck ③ breath, loosen the vagina while exhaling from the mouth
④ Repeat this at least five times

first is the feeling that tighten the vagina it is hard to understand, but the vagina will also be tightened together and tighten the anus. To tighten the vagina, let's make sure to touch so as not hard and entered force on the stomach.

practice of menstrual blood control

① menstrual blood tightening the vagina into the vagina you Tamekomi.
so as not to use excessive force on the body, it seems easy to do when you image to tighten Kyu the anus.

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