What are the symptoms and stomach cramps?
stomach cramps, Do you know the state of. It is a symptom that place called the muscle layer, which is the wall of the stomach ache by extreme tension. The cause is vary from person, case to gastritis and gastric ulcer, gastric cancer, the disease of all kinds of stomach such as duodenal ulcer and cause. Case for it from, a cause that the day-to-day is unreasonable is Tata' such as stress and diet. Roughly divided into have been classified into two this.
, but is such a stomach cramps, or what it is on earth will going on in the cause. And how can we deal with. And so on, we will introduce some of the point to be worried about in this article!
stomach cramps | stomach of science
What the cause of stomach cramps? Thoroughly explains the four reasons!
as touched a little also to earlier in the stomach cramps, and the "illness has caused a" possibility, "day-to-day life is the cause" possibility, it is said that there are two cases. In this article, we will introduce the state which can be a direct or indirect cause of stomach cramps.
disease of some sort of stomach
stomach cramps may occur the direct cause, gastritis and gastric cancer, is said to have many cases it is set to the beginning and duodenal ulcer "disease of the stomach." These symptoms, is likely in many cases that occur because the bacteria enter the gastro-intestinal.
when to take an ordinary food, you do it with gastrointestinal digestion for use by the body as a nutrient. At that time, if you like or continue to too many food and drinking, gastrointestinal is also so certain that would secrete gastric acid enough to damage the stomach wall.
This guard is sweet of stomach causing, the mucosa of the stomach will be vulnerable. When the mucous membrane of the stomach weaken, it in bacteria such as H. pylori invaded gastrointestinal soaking, has been said to be causing the disease, such as described above of duodenal ulcer in addition to the stomach cramps.
general to everyone | Japan Gastroenterology Society
troubles due to gastric acid | explore the cause of the discomfort of stomach | stomach of science
functional dyspepsia
There are various causes for stomach pain, but recently has attracted a disease called "functional dyspepsia" attention. The functional gastrointestinal disease, even though the "disease of the easy-to-understand stomach," such as stomach ulcers and gastric cancer does not appear, it is talking about symptoms stomach cramps and stomach, such as sauce feels as "stomach hurts."
This condition is often was state of being diagnosed with such as "neurotic gastritis" until recently. However, since the case is going inflammation in fact stomach small, in recent years, he says that he has adopted a lot of the nickname "functional dyspepsia".
is a functional gastrointestinal disease | gastrointestinal motility improvement committee | Dainippon Sumitomo Pharma
stomach cramps, a meal when the health of the gastrointestinal bad also it is said to often be involved. This condition is likely to take too much or bad image is a strong diet, but rather a healthy also state that do not eat at all, yes it is necessary to pay attention.
after taking an ordinary meal, gastrointestinal does the activity of the digestive secrete liquid to neutralize it as a "gastric acid". But once you a meal, such as breaking the balance of the work of the gastrointestinal, such as just take the food, this liquid becomes too difficult is normally secreted, it is so made that would cause symptoms such as stomach cramps. As a meal, such as imbalance, it raised the following attitude.
■ meal attitude
- overeating that causes potential of stomach cramps
, irregular meal
- greasy excessive intake of food
· eating
or more, such as meal stomach impatient digestion would secrete only gastric acid. Or it is otherwise tends to be a chance that would give the stress on the body, including the stomach. In order to improve this is to run the meal, such as the following have been said to be important.
■ meal attitude
- three meals a day in order to improve the upset began to stomach cramps, defend the moderate diet
, slowly and often bite
, vegetables and minerals, such as gastrointestinal food intake consciously friendly to
meal Hen | protect the stomach, stomach a good life | stomach of science
stomach cramps, stomach we are also told that there is a possibility that "cold" as the cause of the malfunction. Low temperature, or cold, which occurs due to be near or Nii, such as air conditioning is because it has been to be a negative effect on the body.
In many cases, when you are cold will become to tend Chijikomari is all parts of the body, including the gastrointestinal. This is so given the stress and contraction movement of the stomach to the stomach, there is a possibility that also led to the cause that would cause the stomach cramps.
gastrointestinal wind - Nippon Pharmaceutical Trading Co., Ltd. official website
is a symptom of stomach cramps? ! It introduces the prone three of the symptoms!
one of stomach cramps is the pain of it stomach symptoms. Such you, but it is said that there may be cases that are causing the other symptoms in order to have been strong tension state. In this article, we will introduce is obvious symptom caused in conjunction with the main symptoms of stomach cramps.
stomach ache
stomach cramps symptoms of as, is so certain in the "stomach ache" What is best known. The reason is that there are some, it is thought to be due to have the same origin of the background with stomach cramps, such as the following.
■ stomach pain is overeating cause
, which would occur, reduction in the function of the stomach caused by diet of turbulence
stress, such as drinking too much
cause, such as described above is, or secretion is hindered of liquid for carrying out the digestion in the gastrointestinal, it has been said to be tend to be secreted the only gastric acid. When stomach acid is much is secreted by the stomach is hurt, yes it is tend to fall into easy to state that cause stomach pain and stomach cramps due to stress.
stomach to have pain | Check the status of your stomach | stomach of science
at the same time caused the symptoms and stomach cramps, so there are also many complain of diarrhea is. The reason is said to be in the background that would happened diarrhea.
■ diarrhea happened would case of cause
- take too much of the meal
, excessive intake of alcohol and irritants
· cold
virus by gastrointestinal disease [examplesstress
of these, such as
· tension, very as the "cause of stomach cramps" above Chikashiku, it is so considered to stomach cramps and diarrhea is to occur and melancholy who in conjunction with each other. Specifically, the "excessive secretion of gastric acid damage the stomach," and, it is said that it becomes easier to connect to the "stomach cramping without the normal motion by stress" situation.
diarrhea symptoms and disease Navi | Takeda health site
[ stomach cramps to occur at the same time, or stomach cramps many also complain of "nausea" as a symptom that occurs causing it is said that there is. The reason for nausea would happening There are several, it is said that there are many following the pattern.
■ that caused by would things
stress due to the physical condition disturbance
and irritation of the strong excessive intake of food
, excessive intake of alcohol of nausea
above matters, only gastric acid hurt no longer stomach in time digestion has been said to be easy would have created a situation that is secreted. For this reason, the stomach is turned tends to be strong tensions state, is so would cause symptoms such as stomach cramps and nausea.
degraded state of the stomach | check the status of your stomach | stomach of science
stomach cramps be! ? Introducing an effective remedy!
and the cause of stomach cramps so far, but we have to introduce the complications that tend to symptoms , worrisome Ichiban I think whether it is, "how is good to deal with." In this item, is divided into three items will continue to introduce how to deal with when the stomach cramps have had happened.
visit and inspection of the internal medicine
stomach cramps If you suspect, is First to start from the place to visit in the hospital is said to be good. I think you become concerned about whether or not say, to visit what Department of the the.
If you have complained of symptoms such as stomach cramps, since the body of the organ is the location of the disease, has been said to be good to visit a "medical" or "Department of Gastroenterology". If you consult a doctor of these hospitals, it seems to make me undergo the test in some cases.
and, yes to determine what type of stomach cramps by the following, such as inspection, take action deemed appropriate.
■ when there is a suspicion of stomach cramps, inspection method
- blood test, such as a cause
· urine test
· X glands image inspection
- ultrasonography
and stomach cramps (spasms)? | LYC LaLaport Yokohama clinic to recommend nasal endoscopy from Yokohama
treatment with a drug
is determined as" stomach cramps "from stomach upset hospital, etc., have been said to carry out the treatment to administer the medicine. Medicine to be administered in case of stomach cramps is likely in many cases to use a medicine called "analgesic antispasmodics". Taking this medicine, as a workaround of that to rest is to stomach cramps are thought to be the most efficient.
and stomach cramps (spasms)? | LYC LaLaport Yokohama clinic to recommend nasal endoscopy from Yokohama
over-the-counter drugs, Busukopan A tablet
over-the-counter drugs that are known as there is an effect on the stomach cramps are "Busukopan a lock" of the SSP. Have been included a component-butyl scopolamine bromide that has the effect of suppressing the convulsions, it has been said to be effective in the deep symptoms, including pain in the stomach.
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to stomach pain, abdominal pain, Busukopan A tablets (Busukopan: Series) / product information [SSP]
press pot
as the most handy remedy to stomach cramps, has been referred to as a "push pot" is also effective. Pot push, but is a traditional treatment that has been handed down from ancient times in oriental medicine, it is said to have been duplicated as "concentrated on that part of the nerves and blood vessels" of the place referred to in the Western medicine. As a method of first aid, I hope you refer to.
■ pot, which is said to be effective in stomach cramps
within institutions (internal trouble) ... as seen from the center of the wrist inside, it hits the point of about finger 3 duty elbow side. Has the effect of relaxing the mind, stomach pain is also eased so due to stress.
· DaiRyo (Dairyo) ... you hit in the middle of one wrinkle that has been drawn on the wrist. That's right there is indigestion effective.
foot Sanli (leg Sanlitun) ... as seen from the dish of the knee, hit from depression just below the point of under finger 4 duty. It is said to be effective toning of the digestive system.
overcome the slump in the pot press! | Yomeishu Seizo Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd.
pot of gastrointestinal survive the summer
early important deal Once you become stomach cramps !
symptoms and their causes of stomach cramps, what did you think about the remedy. The stomach cramps is like a symptom not a seemingly familiar, but so is a symptom that contains the familiar customs and common cause that in the everyday life. In addition, it is said that there is also a close associate of a dangerous disease, such as short and at the same time gastric and duodenal ulcer of the symptoms.
has complained of a pain similar to stomach cramps. Or there is a clause that come to mind as stomach cramps. In such times, it is recommended that you consult as soon as possible to the medical institution.
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