physiology before the edema and its resolve method
physiological body is swollen before and, not determined the usual coordinated becomes tight clothes. Come to frustrated and can not be determined clothes to wear. If me and also not decided even makeup isnt tone of your skin there, another explosion! I do not want to go outside!
such physiology before a negative spiral. We are very much fighting with this spiral every month. And, it is quite long this period of time!
There are individual differences in physiology before the edema symptoms. Nakaniwa, than the pain and discomfort during menstruation hate this edema, better physiological began also I think it's also many people that feelings calm down ... physical condition.
relieve this symptom even a little, if it is possible to go dating wisely and edema, or will not be able to spend calm even before physiological. This article by reference to, let's lead to relaxation of edema!
physiology before edema about
the term "edema", moisture in the blood, for some reason, a state that would accumulate in certain parts of the body To do. Formally called the "swelling (edema)." Please be areas of concern try pressing to strengthen more than 10 seconds with a finger. If so dent remains, is evidence that bloated.
If you leave intact the edema, there is a possibility that chronic. Tame Ashi women is low circulation capacity of muscle mass less water and waste, it is said to be easy to fat edema.
begin the physiological 10 to 12 days ago edema
the out edema physiologically 10 to 12 days ago. The balance of the female hormone after ovulation has affected.
physiological impact of before to swell Female hormone
physiological cause of the edema of before, is due to the fact that the secretion of luteinizing hormone (progesterone) increases.
luteinizing hormone, secreted amount will increase after ovulation. This is, in order to perform a variety of ready to woman's body has been directed to pregnancy and childbirth. In order to maintain the pregnancy, it will try to Tamekomo a lot of nutrition and water in the body. Therefore, will accumulate moisture in the moisture is hardly discharged, it will appear become edema.
This is, you say that one of the typical symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). In addition to the edema, irritability, emotional instability, poor concentration, low back pain, fatigue, such as the beam of the breast, is also said that in the premenstrual syndrome have symptoms of more than 0. Also upset of mind, body upset also, is different from person to person.
Remedy when edema is severe
when physiology before swelling is severe Let's let them promote blood circulation, such as massage. Metabolism that is well, you will be prompted the discharge of water and waste that had accumulated.
In addition to massage, or a stretch, it is also effective to or warm. In particular the case of a sedentary, walking or standing, it is also important to the gymnastics. You want it is easy to edema in that you are in the same position for long periods. Also to set up the legs, you want to avoid.
edema and the relationship of weight gain
but the cause of the edema was found, Why would also increase body weight? Everyone, how much of the body weight is increasing? I will answer that question in.
allowable range of weight gain
this time to increase body weight, the most moisture. It is about 300g~3kg, is within the acceptable range. Okay not too much to worry too much.
cause of the weight gain
body weight increases No. 1 reason would, since the water that has accumulated in the body is as it appears in the body weight.
also, that the appetite is increased under the influence of luteinizing hormone, will be cited as a reason such as that prone to constipation worsens work of the intestine. Physiology before or you want to eat sweets than usual, but it is intended to or I stretched a hand to junk food.
prevention and measures of weight gain
edema by to minimize the weight gain, it is useful to be aware of the swelling hard body building from the usual, keep habit.
First of all, let's take a firm sleep. Lack of sleep can lead to a reduction of growth hormone, will cause the metabolism fall. When the metabolism drops, as you know it is the bells and whistles of the body is less likely to be discharged. Is that become edema easy body.
and, let's try to light exercise. Such as stretching and walking is for us to improve the blood circulation. Aerobic exercise, such as walking, as well as edema prevention, I recommend also to prepare for the time that is suitable to the diet after physiology.
Finally, let's not cool the body with cold drinks. Or contains ice, Do not Come If you are drinking on a daily basis a cold drink in Kin Kin? A warm drink, let's be aware that I'll warm from inside the body.
food and nutrients
should be taken the elimination of edema, is effective to ingest potassium. There is a diuretic effect, it will only prompt the discharge of water that is stuck in the body.
potassium, other soy products such as tofu and natto, potatoes, pumpkin, avocado, spinach, tomatoes, apples, bananas, such as vegetables and fruits, have been included in many mushrooms and seaweed. Unfortunately, because the caffeine such as coffee would interfere with the workings of potassium, it looks good is to a little modest.
Moreover, it is careful to salt contained in the food. Too take the salt, in order to lower the salt concentration in the body, it will become even more moisture is likely to accumulate. The eating out and processed foods, contains the salt than I expected to.
is also alcohol and sweet things, it will be listed in what you want to refrain from as edema measures. Alcohol as well as the salt, and drinking too much the body will try to lower the concentration. Sugar which has not been used as energy, because of the nature would stick with water, it leads to swelling as a result.
physiology before eliminating method of edema of
would be good if we eliminated as any ... if you wait too bloated before physiology? Here, we will tell the specific eliminating method. Since it is also often be easy, let's practice from the fact that I can do it!
to raise the foot at bedtime
when you are at home when or sofa bed Let's raise the foot. It is edema resolved method that everyone knows. Since using the gravity'll better the flow of the lower body of the blood and lymph, it can be expected to reduce the effect easily edema.
to a good balanced diet
body weight It said increase of because anxious, there is no need to reduce the amount of food. In addition, you do not have to eat the only food that contains a valid potassium to edema resolved. Try to incorporate in a well-balanced diet.
in order to create a healthy body, it is important to eat with a good nutritional balance any time.
adequate water intake
even though bloated, water is let's take to moderate. It is recommended hydration of at room temperature water or warm tea.
but edema and the water intake will feel which is likely to deteriorate, it is wrong. When moisture is insufficient, metabolism will fall. So, the fact that become swelling easy body. But it was the opposite effect.
It can also lead to constipation measures and rough skin prevented by taking moisture.
taking herbal medicine and medicine
if severe symptoms, there is also a method of going to slowly reform in Chinese herbal medicine. In Chinese medicine, that the swell, called the state of "Mizudoku". Ask them to prescribe herbal medicine tailored to your constitution. It is good and try to talk to Chinese medicine stations and gynecology. If you have a doctor's prescription, insurance will be applied.
In addition, by taking medicine that there is a diuretic effect, it is also possible to eliminate the edema. However, since there may be a side effect, first it is a good idea to try and consult a doctor.
adopt the sweet clover
the melilot, in herbal legume, it contains a component called "coumarin" is a kind of polyphenol. Also known as the "sweet clover" or "Western Ebirahagi". Sweet smell is a feature, has the efficacy us to improve blood circulation.
as a medicine since ancient times, has been used for the swelling and headaches, improvement of indigestion. From the fact that there is also a fat-burning effect, it seems to have been an increasing number of loyal diet purposes.
because supplements have been released, where the also happy is easy to get started. However, you also need attention. Let's use must always observe the recommended dose of 1 day. And exceeds the guideline, malaise and headache, there is a risk of side effects such as accidentally out failure in liver function.
In addition, instead of relying only on supplements, you also need to go effort improve the lifestyle.
to the bedrock bath
at bedrock bath , in a room at 37~40 ℃, you rolling sleeping on top of the natural stone that was warm. Body with far-infrared rays emitted from natural stone is warm from the core, it will lead to the elimination of edema by better blood and lymph flow. Since the work internal organs warm up will be better, it will also lead to constipation eliminated.
is especially recommended for those of edema constitutionally predisposed from the usual. And wrote a lot of sweat By discharging the urine, the effect appears likely to bedrock bath immediately. It will also lead to a change of pace in detox.
edema recommended foods to eliminate
edema perfect Recommended food to solve, let's well incorporated into the daily diet!
soy milk
soy products, the moisture in addition to the potassium that will be discharged, that contains a lot of isoflavones that will relieve symptoms that are affected by female hormones, I think that many people know.
soy milk, is characterized protein that made it easier to absorb in the process of being processed from soybean has been contained in a large amount. Recommended thing is to drink in the morning. At the same time as us to encourage stimulate defecation the gut, the brain is activated, also up concentration.
In addition, because the easily obtained a sense of fullness, it can also lead to overeating prevented by drinking at the time of pre-dinner and hunger. Such as when the Kobara has decreased, it will also be in place snack by drinking warm.
natto, soy nutrition but it contains whole, nutritious food. Dietary fiber among the soy products have been included in the wealth. Dietary fiber content that is included in the natto 1 pack is a surprise because say that carrot 1 duty.
but is a staple is that eat over the rice, or topping avocado and kimchi, cheese, and or in pasta, also in terms of a lot of arrangement cuisine, it is routinely easy to incorporate universal food.
red beans
red beans diuretic effect for a long time It has been known to have some. Edema eliminate effects born by the inclusion of both potassium and a saponin is as high as has also been used as a herbal medicine. In addition, rich dietary fiber is also features, for the approximately 0% of insoluble dietary fiber, too eating led to the deterioration of the moisture is insufficient constipation, because sometimes resulting in diarrhea in the opposite note want award.
balance of amino acids will be better by your red rice. Stew of red beans and pumpkin is also a menu that can be expected high edema eliminating effect.
tofu, soy products Among them gently in the gastrointestinal, the biggest attraction is the digestion and absorption is good. Such as when the dinner has become a slow time is the food, which by all means take advantage.
body part of another! Easy edema measures
in the end, the most annoying ones, for the swelling measures of face and legs It will introduce. Both place to touch the human eye. But it is not allowed to consider it as clean even a little!
when the swelling of the face is anxious hot and cold pack that you can in five minutes!
can practice even a busy morning is the hot and cold packs. Let's devoted to alternately warm towel and a cold towel. Please be as a guide by 20 seconds, respectively. Towel is a towel moistened only warm about 1 minute in a microwave oven of 500W. Easily you can prepare. Particularly effective in the swelling of the eye. Since the blood circulation will be better, it will lead to the improvement of the bear under the eyes.
cockroach gymnastics in the swelling of the legs!
first of all, go to bed on his back. Then, raise the hands and feet to the ceiling direction, it shakes and bra hanging out. Let's continue the 1-minute guideline. Along the way you can put a break. After hanging out around a little tired, we'll be entrusts to the ground to open the hands and feet. Gradually Innovation should be able to feel that the blood circulation is getting better. You may want to do on the morning and evening of the bed.
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