What's a "immunity"?
briefly, fight as foreign to or generated or penetrate into the body is that of force.
tends to be sick to lose and this force is weak in foreign matter, is that it is less likely to win sick strong as foreign to the opposite.
that is responsible for the work that the fight against this foreign body, is the lymphocytes in our white blood cells in the blood. That immunity is higher the larger the lymphocyte, is having a process in place that.
In Will Fuyaseru How can lymphocytes.
lymphocytes, has been heavily involved with the balance of the autonomic nervous.
autonomic nervous consists of sympathetic and parasympathetic, but at this time of parasympathetic is the dominant state
lymphocytes has been to grow.
in order to improve the immunity adjust the balance of the autonomic nervous system, among other things tend to modern people sympathetic becomes advantage is, things like parasympathetic becomes dominant, in the day-to-day life it says that the point be incorporated into.
go to bed and get up early
lack of sleep eliminates the immunity up first step
are you asleep how many hours a day.
have to play around with smartphone and personal computer, or somehow do not you that slurping and night owl to lack of sleep feeling .... Such you are disturbed the balance of the autonomic nervous, maybe immunity is lowered.
autonomic nervous system consists of the sympathetic and parasympathetic. Both the balance of the good state is a high immunity state.
when sympathetic is that is happening, you will advantage when you are active. On the other hand, parasympathetic is, when you are at rest, it will advantage when you are relaxed.
that stay up are late is because the fact that a long time to have much activity, you will be sympathetic is the dominant state has continued for a long time. Since lymphocytes are supporting the immunity is increased parasympathetic is in a dominant state, there is no while the sympathetic is the dominant state increase with long, immunity will be reduced as a result.
in the human body, become sleepy parasympathetic nervous at night becomes dominant, the morning there is a natural cycle Ikimono that sympathetic wake up turned to advantage.
as much as possible in order to close to the cycle, Let's to bed even until 23:00 at the latest.
and 6 hours or more at a minimum (ideally 7 to 8 hours) will come gradually immunity up if Kokorogakere to take sleep.
first bathed in the morning sun to the whole body when I woke up
in order to increase the lymphocyte to support the immunity parasympathetic is dominantly It must become, but only the parasympathetic dominant state will cause such as long-lasting as the lethargy and apathy.
is short of balance is important.
after becoming the dominant slowly enough parasympathetic take a sleep, autonomic nervous system must shift smoothly to sympathetic dominant state.
become a help for that is, I a solar light.
brain substance called serotonin and bathed in the light of the sun is actively secreted. Activities after this serotonin is wake up you make me moderately tense sympathetic so as to be smooth.
of exposure to the light of the morning sun is a good 20 to 30 minutes. Please bathed firmly the light of the sun to open when I got up in the morning curtain. You may want to use the commute time.
moderate balance of sympathetic and parasympathetic is the point of immunity up. Sleep as soon as possible to dominate the parasympathetic, it occurs naturally along with the rise of the sympathetic together to become bright.
This is the natural appearance of as creatures.
soak in the tub
basic bathing method
when you are bathing, do you soak in the bathtub?
According to some experimental data, when compared to the people of the only people and the shower had been immersed in one month bathtub, the proportion of only of the human lymphocyte shower, 25% or more than those who had been immersed in the bathtub also low it is you know.
switch from sympathetic by soak in the bathtub to the parasympathetic will change smoothly. Also muscles loose, for deep temperature also coming up, lymphocytes become more relaxed state will increase.
for immunity up, let the habit to soak in the firm bathtub.
Just sometimes careful.
temperature of the hot water is too high (42 ℃ or more) and the sympathetic will become dominant is stimulated.
38 ~ 40 ℃ much not too hot, is recommended become a parasympathetic if not too paint temperature advantage.
is two days hot bath a week
in order to further enhance the immune force, about two days a week will help you incorporate the bathing method that has been attracting attention recently.
it is the bathing method to enhance immunity by increasing the body temperature.
and slightly elevated temperature of hot water is 40 ~ 42 ℃. Bathing time of 10 to 20 minutes.
mouth in addition to the thermometer, you warm the firm body to guide the exiting sweat will be more than 38 ℃.
is bathing method of enhancing the immunity by giving stress cell is not to death in the body. About each of the before and after bathing 500ml, please refer to the firm hydration.
When this bathing method, increases the protein called "heat shock protein" to repair the damaged cells in the body. When the "heat shock protein" is increased, it becomes easy heals wounds and disease, less tired, less likely to take on the cold or flu, it has been found to be effective, such as.
amount of "heat shop protein" peaked in about two days after bathing, effect from there lasts about one to three days. In about two days a week Toriirere this bathing method, is not that much less fatigue state can be maintained.
also is 2 days is also effective to incorporate this bathing method before the scheduled such as "likely to feel the stress," "tired likely".
laughing a great deal, a great deal cry
it is possible to increase the immunity to laugh, we have well-known in recent years.
laugh and parasympathetic becomes dominant, that lymphocytes increases immunity of white blood cells increases has been demonstrated in a number of research institutions. That lymphocytes such as NK cells were surge has been confirmed after the actual cancer patient has a good laugh with vaudeville.
also it is also parasympathetic that cry in the same way is also known to be a advantage.
tears will overflow when the cry, but the secretions such as tears is the evidence that parasympathetic has become dominant.
is also in the movie In the present, also have also enhanced video site in recent years.
and for the "laughter" for "crying", is recommended for it
immunity up to keep stocks their favorite "Teppan'neta".
to take a deep breath
and when usually it is casually to have breathing, actually suck and that nerve is different to working in when you exhale.
sympathetic when you suck, I have worked parasympathetic when the spit.
Based on its features, you can go up the Kontoru to immunity the autonomic nervous system with the breathing. Many of breathing and as has been said to be in, such as qigong, point is to spit slowly.
early (or normal) Inhale, exhale slowly. Parasympathetic just be aware of this will be to the advantage.
recommend the abdominal breathing in order to be aware of than
smoked inflate the stomach is, is the Basic to vomit and dent. Done as slowly as possible when the spit.
Please incorporate all means when you relax, such as
break in and before bedtime.
go to the forest
"walk through the forest," "spend in the woods." has been popular as a stress relief method is also up to now itself that, I think there is that you have heard the word "forest".
have been established as an effective medically of "forest", is scientific research "forest therapy" in recent years here.
(in the forest therapy comprehensive site http://www.fo-society.jp/index.html)
forest therapy, the
stress hormone is reduced
· parasympathetic such as activation (activation) to
, sympathetic nerve is suppressed
- psychological tension is relaxed
activity is enhanced immunity · NK cells is increased
, various efficacy already it has been confirmed.
If you feel that you "I wish tired," Let's spend the holiday in the forest.
caring tired eyes
you how much of the liquid crystal screen of the day do you see?
personal computer, smartphone, or I have not seen for quite some time, such as TV?
, such as the ciliary muscle to adjust the extraocular muscles and focus to move the eyes, the muscles around the modern man eyes you have taken is excessive load.
eyes coli around are also said to contribute to sympathetic becomes dominant. Reset of E. coli can lead to the activation of the parasympathetic.
effective for is the "towel".
and put so as to cover over the temple from the eye towel, congestion of the muscle around the eye will come loose caught.
parasympathetic nervous due to the relaxation of the muscles will become dominant.
towel is, with a towel in the water easy to make when heated in a microwave oven. When you wet the clean towel in water, please heated in oven for about 30 seconds and put the still clean and range heating OK plastic bags.
However, there is a possibility to burn and too hot, please heating time and the temperature is adjusted according to your home range.
of course you can use a commercially available thermal sheet.
one day hard work eye care is what you want every day.
massage the nail
rather than a strictly speaking and nail " It is the base of the nail (hairline) ".
rub the hairline of the nails as pinch with the other finger. Massaging the way, it does give a stimulus such as massage to press by pinching in a little stronger, twisting. Five of all finger it from the thumb in succession and then to both hands.
nail hairline in the path of the meridian of the place referred to in the oriental medicine, there is a significant pot. Sympathetic is suppressed parasympathetic has been known to be in advantage by stimulating this pot.
it is may be performed several times a day, but if carried out at the time of the previous break in and bedtime relaxed state, increases the more effective.
raise the body temperature
modern people hypothermia
once it had been said that the average adult body temperature is 36.5 ℃.
However, in modern times it has been said age, the 35 ℃ base of people regardless of gender almost with. The reason for this change of stress and diet, muscle weakness caused by lack of exercise, but a variety, such as cold-friendly environment caused by air conditioning, has also been pointed out that disturbance of them and autonomic nerves are closely related.
When the body temperature rises 1 ℃ in the immunology of the world immunity is also recognition that is 5 times.
body temperature rises and the autonomic nervous system comes fully equipped, further body temperature and autonomic nerves come equipped with up, you can increase the immunity by sending a life of virtuous circle.
warm ginger
body first mentioned are the as the food to warm the not "ginger" Is not it.
blood flow improvement and pain relief in addition to warm the body in the ginger, anti-inflammatory, detoxification, anti-oxidation, anti-bacterial, etc., has been certified for various effects. It is of course also effective immunity up.
or grated, or in addition to cooking, or put into a tea, how to use your idea. Eating habits can lead to hypothermia improved by incorporating aggressively.
heat in a hot water bottle
in cold body is also effective to warm from the outside.
to warm up from outside the body most usability that is good is the "hottie". It is a hot-water bottle, which has been used since ancient times, but the effect has been reviewed in recent years. In fact, the amount of heat of the hot water bottle is're very oriented to warm from much higher locally than are other heating appliances.
warm place is the "big muscle".
but large muscle is easy to cold, is also a warm place easily reverse. We will warm up such a site to order.
one place about 3 to 10 minutes. The point is to change the position before you sweat.
effectively warm the order is
① stomach
② the front of the thigh
③ ass
④ upper arm
winter, of course, under the influence of the cooling in the summer body is cold.
Let's raise the immunity incorporate the habit to warm the body from the core in a hot-water bottle.
warm in the dryer
winter cold outdoors , also spend a day in a building that worked is cooling even in the summer the body is cold.
it is effective to use a hair dryer to warm quickly such a body.
two places point to warm. It is the base and near the sacrum of the neck.
the base of the neck, around the large bone that pops out when looking down, sacrum, by the triangle at the top of the butt crack of bone, warmed to feel "hot" its periphery with a dryer you.
Since the parasympathetic nerves in this two places are concentrated, and this part warms up, to determine a state in which the brain is relaxed. As a result, the whole body in order to expand the blood vessels of the peripheral will come and warm.
Please use a cold body as a way to warm in a short period of time.
put the muscle
is an activity of the muscles are creating the heat in the body.
However it seems many people that does not have the necessary muscle for the lack of exercise in recent years.
heat production is growing cold improvement if so put the muscle in moderate exercise.
is squat and effective if you start from the movement of the lower limbs and ass big muscles such as the thigh-up of the backward are concentrated.
is also recommended, such as firm walking kept the stride.
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