is a multi-vitamins and the choice of recommended
health modern people who feel upset is called very often. But, it does not mean that in any if supplements may be. If pains, I want to choose a good component things. This time, we will introduce the point to choose and recommend the supplements.
multi-vitamin Why such popularity?
to a multi-vitamin, it is very popular among the supplements. The popularity of the reason, because that contains various kinds of vitamins necessary to maintain health.
, for example, but some people to take a supplement of "iron" anemia causes, in making the actual blood, nutrients such as vitamin B12 and vitamin B6 in addition to the iron also is necessary . And when calcium intake in order to strengthen the bone to the other, as well, such as when to ingest collagen for skin, it is said that it is important to take a vitamin together.
a multi-vitamin is why is popular because it is the important element is also for those who in this way are already taking other supplements.
major component of the multi-vitamin
in, what kind of nutrients in the multivitamin It will have been included. We will introduce the major component.
(keep the health of the eyes and mucous membranes) vitamin A, (help in the metabolism of sugars) vitamin B1, (help the metabolism of lipids) vitamin B2, (help in the metabolism of protein) vitamin B6, vitamin B12 (useful in the production of red blood cells), vitamin C (healthy keeping the skin, enhance immunity), such as vitamin D (help in the absorption of calcium), it contains a variety of vitamins.
In addition, folic acid as being included by supplements of product (one of the vitamins, help in the formation of red blood cells), there is also such as pantothenic acid (to strengthen the immunity).
multivitamin feature
multivitamin feature is located in the point that it can be ingested a lot of types of vitamins at a time. Vitamin C and vitamin B, etc., but is on the market a lot of specialized supplements, for those who think about the health of the entire body, is recommended in terms of multi-vitamins can be taken a well-balanced nutrients.
is the people it is better to take?
and those who want to recommend a multi-vitamin, who want a balanced intake of various nutrients and, prepare the individual a lot of supplements, anyone who is troublesome to take, you are pregnant (a large amount of intake is not recommended.), but anyone who wants to efficiently train the entire body, such as muscle training.
supplements a number of align is, there are many not last long time-consuming case. Busy people to is recommended especially easily ingested can type, such as a multi-vitamin.
timing to drink a multi-vitamin is when?
supplements'll basically ingested within 30 minutes after a meal as a guide. Absorbed by eating with a meal, such as other vegetables and meat will also be better. When ingested in the state of hunger or water-soluble vitamin is gone flow as urine, stomach is weak type Be careful because there is a danger of damage the stomach!
will Osaeyo here! Well point to choose a multi-vitamin
when looking for a multi-vitamin, trouble type is too much It seems there are many people that would. I would like to introduce the point of choosing.
there is a nutrient on a par with foreign products
multi-vitamin, overseas When I was referring to the site called "iherb" as manufacturing of supplements, you can see that there is a large difference between the Japanese-made supplements.
big difference made in Japan and abroad made is the content of nutrients. For example, in the case of the United States, nutritional requirements itself there are also many trend content of vitamins contained in the supplement because it is a larger amount than in Japan. On the other hand, as the idea of making the Japan of supplements, healthy people have been made with the idea that compensate for the portion which is not sufficient to from the diet everyday, so you are less content.
when choosing
supplements, let's just wish toward attention to the content of nutrients not only the number of tablets and the price of supplements.
are covering the basic vitamins?
is also important to look at the types of vitamins. Vitamin a · b · c · d · e and folic acid, which is a basic of vitamins, once such Patoten acid is a vitamin is fundamental that it has the ear. When you buy a supplement, it is recommended that either the check once these vitamins have been covered.
there was a nutritional balance to suit the Japanese! !
now of the Japanese people, or do not have heard that it's energy excess in nutrient deficiency? Japanese, previously ingested a lot of carbohydrates, lipids had ingested a low-protein diet with fewer. It has been said that the meal to suit the Japanese.
, however, it has recently become a different diet from the previous becomes large meal of high fat in the high-protein, such as hamburger. Also because of the calories, such as in the instant food, because it is scarce even vitamins, it seems metabolism is an increasing number of cases suffering from such well squid without diabetes.
must firmly complement Nau things missing in the supplements of multivitamins.
peace of mind that they are made of natural materials
supplements, there is a synthetic supplements and natural supplements by the manufacturer. Synthetic supplements, is the thing which was made by combining or chemicals.
On the other hand, there are two types of natural supplements, and those that make the vitamin from natural materials to synthetic, there are those that are mostly used as it is a natural plant. More, closer to the natural is the peace of mind, but you tend to be as high as close to natural as well price.
will choose the price range you can buy every month!
supplements to choose, the point you want to focus on much the same as the component is the price. To maintain the health, there is a sense what continues long the supplements. So to become important, is the price.
is to supplement the package is written is intake per day. For example, it might be a good and try to calculate how to become how much of the price and continued for 1 month. Since the price range of supplements is very broad, I want to choose the price range to be continued longer suits them.
famous recommend supplements
in supplements of multivitamins, we will introduce the well-known manufacturers recommendations that have been selected in Japan. Try to please your reference person that get lost which one it and choosing.
Deer Natura multi-vitamin and mineral
this the supplement contains 14 types of vitamins. It is safe because it is made in a consistent management system in the country own factory. There is also a free fragrance-free coloring, preservative additive-free products.
Deer Natura multi-vitamin and mineral (0 grain input) [Dear- Natura (Deer Natura)] [アミノ酸 葉酸 サプリ ディアナチュラ マルチビタミン]
¥ 1,057
Nature made multivitamin & minerals
the basis of vitamin nutrients 12 kinds of vitamins is a well-balanced It has been blended. In the United States of the vitamin market is the base supplement of sales number 1. Raw materials has also been the title, you can intake with confidence. It has been sold in convenience stores.
Nature Made Multivitamin & Mineral family size 0 grain [ケンコーコム 大塚製薬 ネイチャーメイド] [ rank] [1_k] [music for tomorrow] [Free Shipping]
¥ 2,434
DHC multivitamin
in this supplement, vitamin is 12 kinds blended you have. Despite the fact that blended the standards of nutritious food is the provisions of the country of 100% to 320% price is continued easy pricing is also attractive with about 13 yen per day.
DHC multivitamin 60 days 60 tablets
¥ 478
the best supplement to your attempts to continue!
for supplements of multivitamins, we introduce. What has become a reference for supplements to choose? Just because the ingestion of supplements, does not mean that immediately effect appears. Such as to check the ingredients and price, select the supplements that continue long, body and mind Let Towards a Vibrant every day.
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