I want to somehow the decline in physiology. I want to somehow a drop of hope measures together

I want to somehow the decline in physiology. I want to somehow a drop of hope measures together - in physiology and practice. Practice and I want measures together

is a symptom of instability mental by physiological? Its causes and solutions

physiology is the one time of the big event in most of the women of the month. However, during menstruation also mental it is unstable even before and after the physiological, "always is to not a big deal like this for" or got frustrated to events that, it will Dari depressed.

In addition, since there is no physiological is to men, and sometimes they're unable to understand. Why so mental only becomes unstable when the physiology, let's solve the female-specific trouble.

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mental instability of the cause in the physiological

woman is pregnant with a child, there is a sexual role of birth. When you are not pregnant, the time of physiology, in the case of pregnancy, you different hormonal balance of the body at all. Woman's body to the pregnancy, the goal of the birth, because the balance of hormones is changing, is also said to be the balance of hormones is likely to collapse.

"It's necessary as But pregnant women body, during menstruation, to there. Even when you do not get frustrated," I think in many people say. In order to answer that question, we will explain the mental instability of the cause during menstruation.

female hormone changes and turbulence

women by hormone changes finely, women will be able to have in the body that can be pregnancy. When the correct amount in the correct period is secreted in stable is good, but change and disturbance of the hormone becomes a change in the body, the body tries to Hatarakaseyo as much as possible correctly body. In relation to the female hormone, is the mental also tends to be unstable.

as big involved come female hormone in women of mental, it will include estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen is a hormone that stimulates the organs that produce eggs that follicle, progesterone is a hormone that fertilized eggs were successfully fertilized arrange to make it easier to implantation in the uterus.

The two hormones is easy to affect the mental, or depressed mood, cause of the instability of the mental that or become hypersensitive to the words of the people.

of menstrual pain pain

man in stress as do cause-consuming, such as pain, it is said that there are many when I feel painful. For those who have menstrual cramps, physiology might not only in the event of distress. If there is pain, it becomes stress, mental makes it easier to become unstable. Because some people enough to not send the daily life in the menstrual cramps, I will feel that can be seen for mental instability.

iron deficiency

iron is in the blood included are, it has been said to have a role that carries oxygen together. Physiology by the out flow to the outside of the blood the body, will be in a state that does not little enough blood in the body. Then, iron that came together in the blood is also less, the body will be the acid deficient state. When the body is deprived of oxygen, malaise and, it is said that, such as stopping of thinking occurs. It becomes a state that can not be considered good things.

lowering of blood sugar levels

both of estrogen and progesterone, and there is a function of inhibiting the metabolism of glucose, which is the basis of the body's energy saying we crack. When the metabolism of glucose is suppressed, blood glucose level is lowered, a state in which the energy required in the body is not enough, because the energy in the brain is in a state that does not have enough, or can not cope with things, impact to mental it is said to exert.

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during menstruation of mental instability of the symptoms

human beings, and the balance of the hormone becomes worse, some kind of symptoms it is said to have come out. Woman is a change in hormone balance caused by physiological, mental tends to be unstable. By collapses hormone balance during menstruation, what symptoms to appear, let's make sure.

sentiment is likely to decline

during menstruation, physiology before and after has been said that emotion is likely to decline more than usual. A little bit of events, always or fallen about that, but do not be so depressed, you may think Do not like always of their own.

frustrating can not stop

partners and children , Kitari and Kachin even to their own personal belongings of trivial behavior of people, or there is no experience of or got frustrated? When the balance of hormones is the instability, the mind becomes very naive, becomes a delicate, it makes it easier to react to the actions and behavior of others.

tired of the whole, does not appear motivated

when the hormone is the instability , the brain tries to adjust the hormone tries Totonoeyo the hormone to the period street. However, the brain is only issuing a command, to serve to actually produce the hormone will be part of the organs of the body, such as such as the ovaries. When you issue a command to the brain adjust the hormone, the organ will try to adjust the hormone acts not natural.

For this reason, the body becomes a state in which the tired, tired easily, will be in the situation to say that does not appear motivated.

impaired concentration and judgment force

When the hormone is the instability, the brain also issues a command, you use the energy. And work well with the energy, also tired brain. When the brain is tired, also decreases concentration and judgment. Think of the brain in order to adjust the hormone that it is the state that is full rotation, I hope it is concentration and judgment required when needed.

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mental instability of how to improve and measures of physiology?

to anyone experience if female, regularly come physiology. It would be difficult to none at all. So, How it can, or will be able to stabilize the mental. Dating well and physiology, we will show you how to so as not to destabilize the mental.

grasp and understanding of the menstrual cycle

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when it comes to menstrual irregularities, would become the balance of female hormones is really likely to be unstable. By understanding the cycle of their own physiology, you can yourself to check whether not a menstrual irregularities. Also, if you organize the period it has not been determined, but I think that there is to be consultation and gynecology, in that you have a reliable data, you can receive the appropriate treatment.

regular life and diet

female hormone only not limited to, in order to work well most tone the body, it has been a need for a regular life and diet. Sleep properly at night, It is also the rhythm of life that can occur in the morning has been living between human beings is long, that eat a good balanced diet, you can take a well-balanced nutrition necessary to the body.

relax and diversion

relax and mood by the conversion, our body is said to be able to refresh. By relaxing and recreation, the body that was nervous is unfolded, the pride of the nerve will be suppressed.

that's a state in which nerve is overwrought, and may become hypersensitive to things, because there would be no room, when the physiological, and understand your body has become hypersensitive, or listen to aggressively favorite music, let's relax and diversion in my own way.

obstetrics and gynecology visits

Sanfujin It is also one of the hand to visit the family. Obstetrics and Gynecology, which specializes in that thing and hormones of the female body, if necessary, is a place that brings a medicine and lifestyle guidance. While attending to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, I think we may be going face to face with your own body.

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Summary: Rashiku usual self even when physiological Ouch!

tends to be unstable hormonal balance of the body when the physiological, because the mental also tends to be unstable, my own to to understand their bodies, it is necessary to go dating well.

or got hit tight to the people than usual, with or easy to get frustrated, but I think that there is that drop, "the body is tired even if not communicated to the other party in my heart just you'll understand that Irunda "I think that it becomes easy. Dating well with physiology, it is what you want to have Rashiku yourself.

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