Be the rash and dizziness ... of the autonomic nervous disorder? The symptoms check

Be the rash and dizziness ... of the autonomic nervous disorder? The symptoms check - be the rash and dizziness ... of the autonomic nervous disorder? Check the symptoms

is a disturbance of the autonomic nervous system?

but has well been in the health program, such as a television description such as "symptoms caused by disturbance of the autonomic nervous system ...", concrete What is the autonomic nervous to? It is a What kind of nerve? I think there are many people who think that.

or what the heck thing is this time the autonomic nervous, what is happening is that if I went to the body by the autonomic nervous is disturbed, also to improve we'll show you how, such as how do I get the .

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What is the autonomic nervous?

important nerves that move our bodies

because the autonomic nervous is, that we are going to everyday unconscious, for example, or to circulate the blood or sweat to the body , such as move the internal organs, is the nerve that is working for 24 hours.

The autonomic nervous system, move the body, and sympathetic to work, for example, when you feel the tension and stress, work when you are rest and relaxation, there are two of the nerve that parasympathetic. Sympathetic worked actively during the day, parasympathetic will be active at night in order to go to sleep.

is the autonomic nervous system that is an important work, but it is also a disturbance likely to nerve by stress and lifestyle.

sympathetic and parasympathetic

the autonomic nervous system, we can from the nerve to the completely different functions of the two that the sympathetic and parasympathetic. Sympathetic required to move the body during the day, when you work, you are working in, such as when you are nervous. Parasympathetic work at night, when you are relaxed or asleep, in the nerve to work even when to recover the body, in this way the autonomic nervous is the nerves that are working tirelessly.

healthy state of the body, have a balance of sympathetic and parasympathetic, even as I felt the fatigue working during the day, has become a mechanism, such as fatigue can be taken in to sleep at night you.

However, if by the disturbance of excessive stress and lifestyle feel the stress on the body, will be in the state where only sympathetic is working. Then the muscles of the body becomes stiff, nutrition and oxygen, the flow of lymph will become worse.

fact that lymph flow is bad, it becomes bogged fatigue and waste material, and as a result the body of the recovery will become in a state that does not keep up. The body becomes that it is not possible to fatigue and stress, working even more sympathetic .... The wind that, you will have fallen into a vicious circle.

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introduce four symptoms appear by the disturbance of the autonomic nervous system

specifically, the autonomic nervous is disturbed, what would cause a what kind of symptoms, representative four will introduce the symptoms.

1. Suffer from skin problems

autonomic imbalance, suffer from skin problems people who are There are many. Everyday and in spite of doing the same kind of care, skin symptoms such as does not heal acne or have rough will occur.

would think of face Speaking of skin trouble, but it will be many people who feel the troubles of the skin throughout the body and autonomic nervous system is disturbed. Since women are especially the relationship hormone balance, and either go mad, in the relationship to become the other also goes wrong, Sonaruto also becomes greater the impact on your skin.

symptoms such as particular there are many people who complain is, the skin becomes itchy. Some people get symptoms such as eczema is out for some people. I can not say categorically be the case, but nor does it mean that insect bites and allergies, people feel the itching of the skin, disturbance of the autonomic nervous system is suspected.

2. Dizziness and headaches may occur

dizziness and headaches, as well, such as ringing in the ears dysautonomia; $ process when you press the button to return to the ( "# to_page_top498497") click (article_navigation_handler.jumpTop) well it will be asked. Even went to the otolaryngology feel an abnormality or is said to be "in particular there is no problem", you might feel a "Well then this dizziness is what?". Doctors of otolaryngology say "No problem" is, in the ears of the inner ear and the ear no problem, It seems the thing that.

There is also a case of stiff neck and fever is gone out occur dizziness, but the dizziness and headaches, there is a possibility that the disturbance of the autonomic nervous system due to stress what is happening in the cause. Dizziness caused by the autonomic nervous is disturbed, was fluffy, it occurs at the uncertain feeling like walking above the clouds.

round and round giddy such dizziness, believed to semicircular canal at the back of the ear is affected. It sometimes the cause is found in otolaryngology, but the dizziness caused by poor circulation of the three semicircular canals is so sometimes hard to find in the otolaryngologist. Since this is also said to be caused by stress case, it will be considered to be one of the symptoms of autonomic imbalance.

3. Suffer from constipation and diarrhea

constipation or diarrhea, appeal as a symptom of autonomic imbalance people There are many. People who suffer from constipation, people who get up just diarrhea, symptoms such as a person to repeat the constipation and diarrhea is each person, but this is also going by the disturbance of the autonomic nervous system.

in the case of constipation that comes from the autonomous nerve, work strongly sympathetic by tension and stress, seems to become constipated. When the body "This state is dangerous When followed by" is determined, the function of the parasympathetic becomes stronger, also now become diarrhea. But stress is because they have not been eliminated, also sympathetic acts ... such a mechanism, and is said to become constipation and diarrhea.

4. Become emotionally unstable

frustrated or, or steeped in the strong sense of unease, also to become depressive state, disturbance of the autonomic nervous system have been affected. Though not necessarily want to cry, or has become not stop the tears, even the autonomic nervous to or out anger suddenly is disturbed.

or no longer can suddenly work also had been able until now to the other, there is also symptoms such as concentration would repeat the careless mistakes decreases, is how kind of symptom comes out depends on the person you.

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the cause of the autonomic nervous system is disturbed three introduction!

cause of the autonomic nervous system is disturbed also vary, the cause is different from person to person. We will introduce three typical cause.


the first thing is conceivable, stress causes the autonomic nervous is disturbed and it is that had. Because it is a modern, also referred to as stress on the human relations and the environment ... "stress society", people who do not feel the stress will not almost.

"No, myself in particular, No such worries" might be some people that. However, such a person is not only mental stress, for example, or have distorted the pelvis, the body will feel the stress even in unbalanced diet.
and say whether
In should I Nakuse the stress, it is a thing that does not go in so easily. Humans are creatures that do not live that there is no certain amount of stress. Astronauts, would have seen the image that is asked to support the body when you return to Earth.

a long time, become accustomed the body to the environment of weightlessness of space, we have got no longer endure the stress of Earth's gravity. In this way, when to some extent there is no stress, human beings are the creatures that it becomes impossible even to stand.

irregular life

have a life of day and night reversed, change the time you go to bed every day, three times not properly take a meal. Autonomic nervous even in these irregular life is disturbed.

As I wrote above, sympathetic to noon, parasympathetic works at night. However, you have to work until late at night, the next morning when I slept until noon? Rest time becomes to noon from the morning, had no longer work is nerve that do not not have to work the original, it will become the situation.

from the fact that the switching of the body does not work, the autonomic nervous is disturbed. Do not the irregular life, it seems there is a sense that these are because.

other due to the disease

also referred to the autonomic nervous system in relation to other diseases is disturbed Yes you. Good to be said is, by who developed depression and panic disorder, such as hyperventilation, thing that the autonomic nervous system is disturbed. In particular, the mind and body of the disease will be the autonomic nervous becomes disturbed often, also the patient of depression suffer from symptoms such as dizziness, yes it is believed that the autonomic nervous is affected.

, such as poor physical condition, when there is symptom to be worried about, first, etc. I went to the hospital, it is important to talk to people with professional knowledge know their own state.

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introduce five for the autonomic nervous system is disturbed disease

when the autonomic nervous system is disturbed, we examined what kind of illness that often.


disease autonomic nervous is disturbed, the autonomic imbalance It will be considered. As mentioned above, the disturbance of excessive stress and lifestyle are to occur in the cause. As a treatment, or take a rest in order to eliminate the source of stress, so that you toning of the body by using a medicine, such as Chinese medicine. At the same time there is also a case where the counseling with physicians.

nerve gastritis

or not good boss purchase, do not you stomach ache at the time of the meeting reluctant? And feel a strong stress, the autonomic nerves that control a stomach is out of balance, it will disturbed autonomic nervous. Conversely, it also may develop nerve gastritis from the disturbance of the autonomic nervous system.

nerve gastritis is a disease that can be treated with such drugs, but because there is still the autonomic nerves and deep involvement, will become the important is the fact that not much reservoir stress.

irritable bowel syndrome

irritable bowel syndrome is considered to be of unknown cause of disease, it is a chronic disease, such as the poor condition of the stomach. When the autonomic nervous is disturbed that control the function of the intestine, it will be symptoms such as repeated or diarrhea or constipation along with abdominal pain, constipation and diarrhea.

even or followed by diarrhea for weeks, it is temporarily subside also so there is also occurs that symptoms feel diarrhea, such as. Also examined at the hospital, also because this such abnormality is not found, you will be cited as a feature of irritable bowel syndrome.

Meniere's disease

accumulate water in the canal of the ear, says the disease that causes dizziness, such as around the round and round eyes and Meniere's disease. Why say whether water from accumulating, which also is happening due to the disturbance of the autonomic nervous system caused by stress.

symptoms are also seen symptoms nausea or ringing in the ears, hearing loss, such as in the other. If there is also possible to fit in a few minutes, Dari suffered from dizziness for several hours, which is also the symptoms by the people will change.

Some people fit at once, there seems to also be many times happen repeat the same symptoms.

hyperventilation syndrome

from the mental stress and strong tension, is stifling become symptoms such as lack of oxygen. Shallow repeated fast breathing, ready to carbon dioxide becomes extremely small, or got terrible with cramps and fainting, I feel a strong fear such as "or not than will die in this state."

cause of the hyperventilation syndrome also, such as mental anxiety has been the cause. It is also causing a further hyperventilation from a sense of insecurity, such as "also What if become painful", such as easy to also become a vicious cycle disease.

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of the autonomic nervous improvements three in a healthy body!

ne disturbance of the autonomic nervous system has been found to cause a variety of diseases. In what way will the good Once appointed the autonomic nervous. We will introduce the improvements.

to eliminate the stress

First, let's so as to relieve stress. Because the people that stress has accumulated are many people of the lack of sleep, Let's take a tired of slowly sleeping body. Not to say that it may be longer sleep time. If you do not take properly good quality sleep will become a reverse effect.

also as other stress reduction techniques, or refresh sweat in moderate exercise or a sitz bath, it is good to try the health methods such as yoga.


relax bear in mind

listening to music and favorite songs with a healing effect, the effect on the autonomic nervous

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