To you, "Susowakiga" is worrisome. You to the recommended food and items

To you, "Susowakiga" is worrisome. You to the recommended food and items - "Susowakiga" is worrisome. Recommended food and items

not bothering with Susowakiga!

Do you know the word "Susowakiga"? "Body odor" is to sweat the smell from the armpit, but in fact this word, I'm a thing of Wakiga odor from the pubic region.

Even if you do not know the "Susowakiga", genital area of ​​smell or will not there be was worrisome. Surprisingly, genital area as well as the armpit, sweat glands (glands sweat secreted) a lot, I prone to body odor.

case that the smell of the genital area is a concern could be a "Susowakiga". "Underarm odor is than not heal because constitution?" Even those who think, you do not have too much to worry about.

mechanism or why the "Susowakiga" occurs, If you know the care methods and treatment to prevent it, it is possible to reduce or eliminate. This time will explain in detail about the "Susowakiga", let's turned down the smell from the original!

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and Susowakiga?

emit Wakiga odor from the pubic region

the Susowakiga, says the armpit odor that from the vicinity of the genitals.

as in the normal body odor, the medical is one of the "body odor (it Shusho station)", referred to as the "vulva odor syndrome," what you smell, especially from genital, known as "Suso (under It called the armpit odor "of).

Susowakiga is similar in normal aside, because sweat is a major cause, but is essentially the normal of the same smell as the "body odor", genital smell than side by female-specific secretion and excretion There is a tough Ku tend.

In addition, the sweat glands that cause armpit odor is, because there is around the areola, the navel, the case is a "Susowakiga" also not a few that are suffering from armpit odor from these sites .

often occurs in the dominant inheritance

of apocrine sweat glands is the cause of body odor the number is said to be inherited. Therefore, regardless of the site, body odor that is composed of a dominant inheritance many, said to speak a constitutional thing.

if parents are underarm odor, children are said to be in the body odor at about 75% of the time, it has been that the body odor of the inherited at a rate also of 50 percent was only one parent.

more common in women than in men

because many women than men also said to feature. Difference due to this gender is not only "Susowakiga", is so true for all of the body odor. In addition, women are because some secretion of textiles and menstrual blood by hormonal changes, there is a tendency to smell becomes stronger.
to say that
, not smell emanating from the peripheral genital are all "Susowakiga", there is also likely to be a temporary odor due to the change in the hormonal balance and physical condition, really Susowakiga it is also important to know whether the.

after the tight smell during menstruation or sexual activity

hem underarm odor is, or increased body temperature, smell in the hormone balance changes tend physiology before and physiology tend to be tough.

In addition, after sexual intercourse by sexual excitement, because the apocrine sweat glands is due to become active are stimulated, coupled with the smell and the fluid secreted from the genital will Ku tight.

Therefore, smell is not able to make a lover become complex, does not have at least have people who are troubled, such as scary is to close to the people.

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is the smell of Susowakiga

smell the pungent

you there are individual differences in smell, even how to feel human but respectively, as a feature that is often said, it is described as "pungent odor that comes with the green onions and onions Tsun-like", "sour smell like vinegar and cumin." You may also feel the "pencil lead of the smell."

smell that Ut

in and say underarm odor as described above, was a pungent the is is often a pungent odor and sour smell, genital area in order to or mixed with other secretions of smell or stuffiness, it may become a different "fermentation odor and Ugh" is the armpit.

especially when the overlap with the smell of fabric and physiology, there is to be a fishy smell as if natto and cheese, fish and rotten.

vary from person to person

Susowakiga are merely constitutional, of body odor It is one. How to feel It is the type of body odor is various colors also differ from person to person. To begin with, body odor, including the Susowakiga is because it is said to the effect of pheromones, it says that some people feel good and smell Stated differently.

Therefore, you do not need to worry about Susowakiga just because excess, if the smell is intense and, to be careful in some cases is due to the illness of gynecological If a different smell to the always Is required.

also changes depending on physical condition and diet

Susowakiga of smell is the change in hormone balance and physiology as well, it has been said to change depending on physical condition and diet. Or become bitter such a smell when the physical condition is bad, it seems to be fairly tight had smell when I too take the animal protein and animal fat.

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cause of Susowakiga

sweat from apocrine sweat glands

cause of Susowakiga is, I sweat from apocrine sweat glands in the vulva it is said that. Such as fat, urea, ammonia contained in sweat mixed with the fatty acids (sebum, which is secreted by the sebaceous glands), smell is caused by the mixture is normal flora of the skin to decompose.

smell that occurs at this time, I smell similar to basically normal body odor, that or stuffy or mixed with such secretions from the excrement and genitals, of Susowakiga peculiar tight it will smell.

* in the human body, there are two of sweat glands called eccrine sweat glands, apocrine sweat glands, including the Susowakiga, body odor in general it seems to cause the sweat from apocrine sweat glands.


underarm odor of smell have a significant impact on the diet. Eat with strong odor, such as garlic, as well as bad breath, you might underarm odor smell of armpit and genital area is also tough.

also, and take a lot of meat and dairy products, it has been said to underarm odor odor is tough. It is, in these foods, seems to cause that animal protein and animal fat to activate the apocrine sweat glands often.

In addition, it is said that there is a case where obesity is a cause of Susowakiga. And apocrine sweat glands and subcutaneous fat is increased, we seem to become active work of the sebaceous glands that secrete a fatty acid.

animal protein and animal fats, because it may get fat if you eat too much, you say to be the evil factor of Susowakiga also in that sense.

physical condition

when there is unsatisfactory physical condition than usual I think that some people who have felt like a strong body odor. In addition, during menstruation is mixed smell of menstrual blood and Susowakiga, fermented odor, such as cheese and natto is not it at least be a worried not convicted in person.

when during menstruation and physical condition is bad, because the smell of Susowakiga is said to be tough, so as not to apply excessive too much body, it is important to take a firm rest. Irregular life and unhealthy eating habits to become ill cause, will also be the cause of body odor is strong.

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cause of odor other than Susowakiga


sweat glands are eccrine sweat glands in the whole body, the sweat glands to become a body odor apocrine referred to as the sweat glands, but of the kind that Corynebacterium prefer the sweat that is secreted from apocrine sweat glands various germs, and is said to give the smell of Susowakiga.

bacteria called Corynebacterium, sweat from apocrine sweat glands, urine, fabrics, in order to breed in the bait such as menstrual blood, body odor will occur. There is the image of sweat itself is smell, originally sweat is odorless, you smell is caused by the growth of bacteria.

bacteria will be more active when it is hot and humid environment, such as napkins. In addition, since there is also a menstrual blood to become a bait that it is in physiology, makes it easier to further breeding.

female-specific disease

Susowakiga is, due to the illness of gynecological There is also what happens in. Always or is stronger smell than, you must be careful if you always To smell is different. Also, Try to pay attention to changes in the amount and color of the fabric.

cervical cancer, endometritis, gonorrhea, bacterial vaginosis, such as trichomonas vaginitis, because there is also a serious illness case, to visit early in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology feel abnormalities please be so.

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Susowakiga check

underwear yellow sweat stains stick to

being secreted from apocrine sweat glands that cause Susowakiga is, yellowish is the sweat that was cloudy bought. Therefore, if the yellow sweat stains stick to underwear, a lot number of apocrine sweat glands in the genital area, it is likely that is to Susowakiga.

In addition, even if the sweat stains sallow in the armpit, such as T-shirts stick, because constitutionally there is a high possibility of apocrine sweat glands is large, you may have complicated by body odor and Susowakiga.

be any part of the body, the fact that the sweat as yellowing often is the fact that a large number of sweat glands. Also those of hyperhidrosis and sweating, you are more likely to become Susowakiga.

was pointed out the smell to partner

boyfriend or husband to the genital area of ​​smell If you have a been pointed out, more likely to be Susowakiga. I think not a little that it is body odor there every day and often the person is hard to notice, but you may notice if a lover or partner.

If the partner is not, or say do not you, that Kikizurai, to make sure the smell, I think I may try sniffing his underwear.

in the vicinity during menstruation and ovulation date, because the smell of menstrual blood and fabric is tough, but I think that hard to understand whether Susowakiga, if it other than the smell of citrus a strange even when possibility of Susowakiga can be said to be high.

However, rather than a constitutional body odor, because of gynecological disease in some cases is the cause, you must be careful.

earwax is wet

also in the hole of the ear, the apocrine sweat glands it is said that many. When the sweat comes out in large quantities from apocrine sweat glands, it may become 軟耳 plaque (wet earwax).

is said to be about 80% Gawakiga of people that earwax is wet, because the people of armpit odor is the percentage of concurrent 軟耳 plaque is said to be about 98 percent, one of the barometer to know their own constitution I think that to happens.

relatives to have someone of Wakiga

parents is a body odor both men heritability of about 75% or more of the case, and so is also about 50 percent more than the case of a single parent, "body odor of susceptibility to = apocrine sweat glands the number of abundance" is said to be dominant inheritance.

Therefore, if the parent is an underarm odor, compared to otherwise, it is likely to be body odor constitution.

smell from the nipple

armpit, genital area, in addition to the ear hole of also, because it is said that the nipple around (areola) also apocrine sweat glands is large, even if the underarm odor odor from the nipple to, it is likely a Susowakiga.

hair of the genital area is dark


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