By chance early pregnancy symptoms? One point 7 should be noted and 18 pieces of features distinguish

By chance early pregnancy symptoms? One point 7 should be noted and 18 pieces of features distinguish - by chance early pregnancy symptoms? One point 7 should be noted and 18 pieces of features distinguish

starts with a time early pregnancy symptoms?

aggressive people in 妊活 course, be that was able to "baby! ? even if you think the "pregnancy test is not something available to very early. Knowing more information on early pregnancy symptoms, also likely to be one of the guideline.

First we tell from the timing and manner of the early pregnancy symptoms.

early pregnancy symptoms appear if from an early pregnancy four weeks as early as

early pregnancy symptoms and refers to the physical symptoms that appear in early pregnancy to pregnancy 14 weeks of pregnancy week 0. For example, everyone is "morning sickness" that is know is one of them. In early pregnancy, gradually uterus female hormone is secreted in order to protect the baby in the woman's body will begin to bulge.

early pregnancy symptoms as early as will appear from the time of pregnancy 4 weeks. It may physiology late pregnancy? It is time to begin to realize that. During the, you may become confused with the previous physiology, but it seems some people doubt the pregnancy from the symptoms of morning sickness. Or it becomes sensitive to the smell that did not bother me until now, you may or lost appetite. In the body, in order to continue the rapidly changing even mom not only the baby, it will appear a variety of physical symptoms such as morning sickness and fatigue. This is called "early pregnancy symptom."

be wrong with the physiology and cold too!

early pregnancy symptoms, by the secretion of which is one of the female hormone "progesterone (luteinizing hormone)", drowsiness and feverish symptoms also it appears. In addition, the time of menstruation of the scheduled date, there is also that the "implantation bleeding" occurs. It may also still would be confused with the physiological and cold since it is similar to the beginning of physiology. During this period, the belly of the baby is shaped like a fish, and then change to a like form of the person until the pregnancy 7 weeks. Because that is also a time when nuclear and important part consisting of the body is made, mom it is also important to be careful not easily drink the medicine.

early pregnancy symptoms there are individual differences, everyone does not mean the same kind of symptoms may occur. And body slide into the future change, is likely to say that it is necessary to prepare for the mind and body to prepare to welcome the baby.

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What is the difference gestation of ultra-early and early pregnancy?

pregnancy ultra-early, early pregnancy, but you often hear the word, strictly from when to when do you refer to that of? Let's take a look at, including such as the notes this time.

pregnancy is a super initial thing of the period of about four weeks from gestation week 0 among the early pregnancy!

and pregnancy super-early, says that between about four weeks from gestation week 0 among the early pregnancy. How to count the number of pregnancy week, and the Counting of 0 days 0 weeks from the time that began the previous physiology. So, the next physiological date should from pregnancy four weeks. However, from the fact that the physiological is delayed at this stage, I think many people begin to aware of the pregnancy. Pregnancy super-early, refers to the period up to the plan to the sanitary visit is not this, the symptoms that appear when this is also known as "pregnancy ultra-early symptoms."

In pregnancy ultra initial note that you can not use a pregnancy test!

actually entering the pregnancy state, is said to be from the pregnancy three weeks. Mother of starts feeling the pregnancy ultra initial symptoms at an early stage, it is said that about pregnancy 4 weeks. Pregnancy in the super-early, you can not use the still pregnancy test. Test drugs that are commercially available, because it is almost a specification that "can be used at a later physiological scheduled day for one week." The pregnancy super early before the positive reaction comes out in this pregnancy test, it seems that a lot of people who complain of similar symptoms before and physiology.

pregnancy ultra initial symptoms are hard to notice because it is similar to the symptoms of pre-physiology!

early pregnancy symptoms, one "progesterone (luteinizing hormone)" of the female hormone that has substance is heavily involved. When the fertilized egg is implanted in the uterus, in order to protect the baby to prevent miscarriage, this progesterone is secreted. This hormone is a hormone that is secreted among normal menstrual cycle. Gradually amount to menstrual period from the luteal phase from being ovulation until menstruation has become many. Physiology before the low-grade fever whiff, constipation, the edema, etc. happen, this hormone are involved.

as early as, from pregnancy per 4 weeks, which is the physiological scheduled date, seems to appear symptoms similar to the previous physiology, such as morning sickness and low-grade fever. The difference between before physiology is that the easy out stronger symptoms than before physiology. And pregnancy ultra initial symptoms, occur in physiological scheduled date before, is very similar symptoms before and physiology. Here is often overlooked the pregnancy, you must be careful because there is also those who would think that it is not the same as before always physiological.

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early pregnancy symptoms What are the symptoms? Note 18 of the signs

should be

actually in. It will introduce a specific symptom to be worried about. However, since the symptoms there is considerable individual variation, please merely considered to be one of the guideline.

symptoms: 1. sudden nausea and vomiting also

when it comes to early pregnancy 5 weeks , from the fact that physiology is delayed, perhaps you wonder if pregnancy? Might be time you begin to realize that. From this time, it seems some people symptoms may occur such or no longer suck with and appetite of the stomach. Since it is often the possibility of pregnancy is not yet finalized, it might also be confused.

In addition, or hosted a viewing is often nausea in early pregnancy, there is also the fact that or I was actually vomiting. Cause of morning sickness does not seem to be elucidated in the still medically. However, it is thought or not is under the influence of some hormones, and.

one, hCG, which determine the amount of urine in the pregnancy test (human chorionic gonadotropin). This hormone, to stimulate the vomiting center of the brain, is thought to feels the nausea. Another is believed to be coming from the mental stress. Such as anxiety about the anxiety and stomach of the baby to be a mom, mental stress affected from various factors also seem to also cause nausea.

that nausea is to rest without unreasonable when terrible, that bear in mind the clothes as much as possible to relax, or ask them to cooperate with the people of the family and around, and you should take a look at it as much as possible stress divergence and diversion .

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symptoms 2. chest stretch, hurt

because it is similar to the physiological front of the symptoms, but is hard to notice, chest stretch, it is also one of the early pregnancy symptom of that hurt. Immediately after the case physiological tension of the front of the chest early ovulation, but will appear from approximately two weeks before menstruation begins, if its state has continued even after a few days to one week the physiological start date, pregnant There is a possibility you are.

This is that pregnant, female hormone increases rapidly, mammary gland tissue and that breast milk is made, milk duct through which breast milk has been said that what appears by development. Although there are individual differences, than in particular usual physiological previous symptoms, if you feel the strong chest of tension and pain, let's suspected pregnancy.

symptoms 3. body feel sluggish, sleepy, there is sleepiness

is languid body , sleepy, even if that there is sleepiness, you suspected pregnancy. This is also similar to the symptoms of pre-physiology, but as it appears more strongly if you became pregnant.

painful is to the housework as usual, impossible because I want to be next to even a little, such as sleep plenty, if you feel the fatigue and sleepiness of the body that can not be controlled by their own, there is a possibility of pregnancy It is taboo. I think the body is in need of rest, let's care for the body, such as rest lying down.

Just because these symptoms is also the possibility of cold, coughing and sneezing, runny nose, such as sore throat, let's also see there are no other symptoms.

people who do not if you still taking folic acid supplicant in early pregnancy first intake of folic acid supplicant


that has been attracting attention as a nutrient essential to life pregnancy "folic acid".
sometimes countries have recommended, I think many people know.

folic acid can be ingested from the diet, but soluble in water, for weak to heat, it is difficult to intake from the diet. Therefore intake of supplements are recommended.

However, any folic acid also does not mean that the same, this Bertha folic acid supplicant is using a yeast folic acid, there is a considerable difference in the absorption capacity of the usual synthetic folic acid and the body, folic acid in the body since it is possible to stay longer it has become a popular commodity.

so can be taken even if collectively nutrients such as the necessary vitamins and minerals in order to themselves are feminine for the baby, the effect has become at once spread topic in the review.

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important nutrients of folic acid to pregnant or from Those traveling 妊活. Not only women, during 妊活 it seems that for consumption and men are recommended. I let well intake to find a folic acid supplicant that suits because the meal just is not caught in quite enough!

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comparison of folic acid supplicant

Mamanikku folic acid supplicant

Mamanikku is has been started will be released in July 2015, among the many folic acid supplicant of generic products is.
that amount, has been exhausted and thoroughly study the existing product, it is a place where there is good that thing insufficient even thoroughly cover have portions that feeling in the folic acid supplicant of until now.

compliant number "12 Type" of a functional food nutrition is the first place among the folic acid a certain number supplicant.
is still the low awareness, but it has become a thing of the quality product that can be fully satisfactory.

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Bertha folic acid supplicant

Bertha folic acid supplicant is using a yeast folic acid.
has become a popular product because it is possible to stay long the folic acid in the body.
vegetable ingredient is 21 kinds have been formulated, has further cosmetic ingredients may not only get in shape by being applied, become a popular reason that you can ingest the components necessary for the woman.

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symptoms 4. saliva or runny nose increases

also because saliva or runny nose is more, in the prone symptoms in early pregnancy, this is that you have pregnancy, hormonal balance in the body is changed , that the regulation of the autonomic nervous is disturbed it has been said to be the reason.

in the features of the case of a runny nose are smooth and transparent, sometimes referred to as the pregnancy rhinitis. But is a painful symptom, if the pregnancy is suspected of taking medicine, avoiding the humidification, put a hot towel on top of the nose, let's take measures such as. Saliva is the case that it is hard to swallow at most, you might want to spit.

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symptoms 5. food favorite olfactory or change is sensitive (morning sickness)

speaking of early pregnancy symptoms, "morning sickness". Many women will suffer from this symptom. Depending on the person, you may feel nausea at room spray and aromatherapy that have been used in favor of everyday. In addition, often disliked for being is and smell the rice cook, feel the nausea just think of the rice, also called.

not only actually nausea, or ended up vomiting, it seems to be many people that food preferences change. These symptoms that seem unusual to continue with what temporary. The beginning many people appear symptoms at 6 weeks of pregnancy 4 weeks, as much as the pregnancy 16 weeks tend to disappear with nature. It seems to fit in mid-pregnancy the first half that reaches the plateau, but because individual difference is very large, some people might continue even in the second half of the medium-term, sometimes like.

take what you eat when you eat, so you sometimes feelings get worse in the secretion of gastric juice to reverse and hungry, would be good to eat in small portions. In addition, more of cold than hot stuff things you can eat To refreshing.

also can not be taken too meal in morning sickness, in the case that it is not particularly able to hydration, let's consult the primary care of obstetricians and gynecologists. In some cases it becomes necessary treatment, such as a nutritional supplement in such as drip.

symptoms 6. There is also the possibility of ectopic pregnancy "lower abdominal pain"

the abdominal pain of 15 weeks from the first trimester of pregnancy 6 weeks, requires a bit of attention to detail. If such as abdominal pain accompanied by bleeding because there may be the possibility of miscarriage.

also basic view for a while how in the rest as there is bleeding or abdominal pain, seems to be better to have visits to the hospital such as consultation to primary care physicians Once settled. It may also be exacerbated to the hospital been rocked in the car or train in a state in which there is a symptom. Take a look at the situation in the rest to not panic, you might want to consult the doctor on the phone to the family doctor if too much worry as.

In addition, the lower abdominal pain sometimes lurk is "ectopic pregnancy". The ectopic pregnancy, that originally incorrectly fertilized egg to be implanted in the uterus resulting in implantation to other places. Accidentally rooted in other than the uterus, the fertilized egg to be Ikuto will get hurt the other tissues and blood vessels of the mother. There is a pain in the lower abdomen, there is a small amount of bleeding, there is a pain like sounds in the ass and crotch, when you have symptoms painful, such as every time you walk in, it would be better to consult once to the obstetrician.

In addition, abdominal pain not much of urgency, to have the feeling that the per ovarian thrusting, feel likely to come of physiology is, if somehow lower abdomen feel is dull, and so on. But does not seem to worry too much, it is recommended that you consult a family doctor when the symptoms persist longer.

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symptoms 7. women "low back pain" by the hormone

There are the symptoms of low back pain may occur during pregnancy. The main cause is due to the hormone and attitude. Low back pain appearing in early pregnancy, it might be due to a hormone called "relaxin" is one of the female hormone first in one eye.

relaxin, is said to be secreted from the physiological or before 3 months of pregnancy to postpartum 2-3 days. Effect of relaxin is mainly "loosen the joint" thing. For example, a baby at the time of birth is approximately 2500 to 3500 grams, a little large to pass through a narrow pelvis. ? ? ! ? ? nostalgic.

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