What should I do when you're a baby? What should I do when you're getting started guide ♡

What should I do when you're a baby? What should I do when you're getting started guide ♡ - baby for mom? Start guide ♡ for mom

pregnancy! But, what should you do?

or suddenly appeared symptoms was not until now when pregnant, I think whether it may become frustrated, sad a little thing. During pregnancy specifically appear What are the symptoms, also, do I have careful in what? Besides, I think that will come in the mood or it is some of that we must improve in daily life and food.

in the pre-pregnancy and early stage, to know such a thing, it will lead also to reduce anxiety. Here, everyone facing such a worry, so that you can understand the pregnancy just by reading this one article, I want to demystify.

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pregnancy kana, be first

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condition of the body is different than usual, such as physiological is delayed, I think some people are often aware of the pregnancy at that feel such a bad condition. So, I am pregnant, and I thought, if the first would be better going out to what kind of action? Here, I would like to specifically described.

to confirm the exact dates of the last menstrual date

by the way everyone, whether I have never heard of was how to count as "○ week" when the pregnancy?

pregnancy has its beginning with the first day of the last menstrual period. Here as 0 days, we believe that the date of commencement. In addition, to count and pregnancy 1 week in 7 days, it is usually of the same as a week of counting how. In addition, the number of months of pregnancy is to also present unique rules such as counting the 4 weeks of 4 weeks, 5 weeks, 6 weeks, 7 weeks of pregnancy and two months.
because it is
, When the first thought that may pregnant, let's previous menstrual try to remember what it was when. If, If you did not seem to come even if the next of physiological date, please try the method to check in the next pregnancy test.

to check the reaction at a pregnancy test

way to know in easy pregnancy, pregnancy test how to use the medicine will be mentioned. Since this can be easily purchased at a pharmacy, let if go to visit, such as in the vicinity of the drug store when it was worrisome.

In addition, if it is the type of test agent can be seen by applying the urine, it has become a mechanism you know the pregnancy in response to the hormone levels that are contained therein. Specifically, becomes a positive if you get crisp and line in this pregnancy test, the more likely you are pregnant.

In addition, although this is pregnancy test, time to positive reaction comes out has been with about three to four weeks and referred to in the number of weeks of pregnancy. Please note that you may become dull reaction and carried out in a too early stage.

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Find obstetrics and gynecology, to visit

thus pregnancy, then let's look for a hospital to actually visit. At this time, in order to look as close as possible to the desired hospital, I think it good to gather information in such net. In addition, in the case where the homecoming childbirth, it is useful to think of, such as specifically place even think such a thing.

By the way, it is a measure of the pregnancy first visit, but it is a good time pregnancy 6 weeks fetal heart rate can be confirmed. However, because it is likely there is also a time early in pregnancy six weeks, such as that time in consultation with the doctor determine the next examination date, is so there is a need to continue to the ad hoc correspondence.

In addition, although a mother's pocketbook to come become important at the time of pregnancy and childbirth, usually, in much before the pregnancy four months to enter the stable period, yes I be issued. When it was not gotten even if made at this time, let's check with the attending physician.

basic to know the structure and flow of specific pregnancy

thus ending consultation, sunny pregnancy even after someone has to confirm, there are a lot things to do. Report to the partners, the purchase of the pelvis belt or the like, which becomes necessary as the pregnancy, also, such as whether to when reporting to work, there is no Kiri Given.

is such a problem, but I think a good idea to examine the early from their own in order to eliminate the anxiety. Even just be aware of it to be careful on their own, life I think that is likely to be.

In addition, recent is the case each city health centers and maternal and child health centers, those that become parents class in such as maternity hospitals have been carried out. Or may the flow of birth, such as bathing guidance of the newborn, you can learn about pregnancy, childbirth and child-rearing. For these parents class is so you can know at that visit to the city. Because in some may have been posted on the HP, let's from time to time try to check.

to the body . to make sure that it bad good

during pregnancy or become heavier and body before, There are many that feel really upset. Chest of nausea and vomiting, is so in some cases, such as that resulting in vomiting.

This is the increased secretion of female hormones (luteinizing hormone). Also, strangely or body Daruka', also comes out symptoms similar to the feverish and said cold. In addition increased saliva Nebakkoku acidity in the changes that the hormone balance, is also said to be liable to periodontal disease and tooth decay.

in order to avoid these risks, is I think it very nice to the attentive of purchase information as soon as possible to the body. In particular, since early pregnancy is also a time easy to abortion, unreasonable let avoided as much as possible.

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thing to watch Once you pregnant?

keep purchase as soon as possible a variety of information Once the pregnancy was to tell an effective . So, the point should be really careful do you include what? Here, its diet, exercise, and even more for even quick note of everyday life, will continue to tell as much detail as possible.

those things, recommended good to eat during pregnancy

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the food must also be as much care as possible during pregnancy. Many meals and of additives, such as liquor, including the alcohol is so does not have a good effect on the fetus. In addition, it is known as the poor is also possible to overdose of vitamin A supplicant and the like. To say that teratogenicity (lately Keisei), it seems to be because there is a risk that the malformation occurs in the fetus.

In addition, care must be taken to drinking water you are buying casually everyday. For pearl barley tea that has the effect of shrinking the uterus, it has been told to avoid during pregnancy. Otherwise, it is caffeine beverages such as coffee and tea, green tea, but it is also said to be easy to born children too with miscarriage and low body weight take the theory. It does not have is finalized as yet research data, let's try that it does not take as much as possible to the larger amount when you drink.

By the way, many exist food, which is that it is good to be taken is in. For example, soybean because the ingredients say that soy isoflavones are similar to the female hormone, has been known to affect good for pregnant women. The other, by taking such an aggressive folic acid, is also said to lead to the prevention of anencephalic fetus. This folic acid has been sold in the supplicant, those who are worried might be good to try to buy.


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vigorous exercise should be avoided, let the moderate aerobic exercise

during pregnancy the body becomes heavy, the more that sense of balance of the whole body is dull.

in particular, is so there is a miscarriage prone for early pregnancy is not yet finished firmly fetus. So, vigorous exercise, such as running at full power during this period has been the NG. Alternatively, or bouncing fly, up-and-down movement is increased exercise, such as marathon long Let avoided because the burden is large. Is

, but you have to strength shortage in reverse too, such move the body. So, such as maternity yoga and water walking, let's go from those of the lighter.

tobacco, alcohol is NG! Overtime also refrain as much as possible

during pregnancy, as it put a strain on the body is avoided as much as possible it is said that. Does not have the heavy objects, in addition to the basic things, such as not wear a heel, refrain from the overtime, it has become necessary, such as not to cool as much as possible the body.

In addition, we explained that the earlier alcohol not good, tobacco is also not good. By smoke blood flow is poor towards the fetus, oxygen in the blood will cause a shortage. As a result, miscarriage and premature birth, and low birth weight infants, it seems likely to cause significant symptoms.

other pregnancy be careful

during pregnancy will require attention to the supplements. Although excessive intake of previous vitamin A was to tell to bring serious disease to the fetus, when you try these supplements, let's once try a confirmation to the expert, such as a physician.

In addition, during pregnancy has fallen resistance of the body. So, it has become necessary to carry out firm also measures against infectious diseases. The reason, is to come an increasing number of drugs during pregnancy can not be taken. So, hand washing gargle, of course, when you go to many places people, let's be sure to bring a mask.

other also, because there is likely to have a variety of pathogenic bacteria, not easily touch the cat, because there is what is not good for pregnant women, such as herbs, or at any time available care must be taken, such as examining.

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actively incorporating want it Once you pregnant?

that I want to note Once pregnant, I was allowed to described so far. So, I would like to talk about what I want now is to incorporate aggressively.

meal is considered regularly balance

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from the mother's blood, minute of nutrition that oxygen and food is around to preferentially baby. To come very become important in order to support the growth, you must be careful enough in their diet. Such as fast food and instant noodles, let's refrain from the balance of nutrition is a bias easy thing.

In addition, the food that is effective during pregnancy, you will be like avocado, burdock, things dietary fiber, such as natto often. In order to better your through, has also been with us out to the outside is taken together harmful food. Is

, but I think some people leaving the symptoms of morning sickness during pregnancy when. When it comes to morning sickness, that things can not eat and, yes there is that too much to eat to reverse. By the way, the peak of this morning sickness has been said that the pregnancy nine weeks. At that time, so as not to dehydration, let's take a frequently moisture.

folic acid is reliable ally of Mr. pregnant women

was to tell that there is good to take a folic acid After just pregnant. In fact, What are the benefits by taking folic acid?

folic acid is not only to strengthen the endometrium that have the baby, yes there is an effect to be actively working to protect the fertilized egg. Further, folate are to include water-soluble vitamins of vitamins Bs, are essential to cell differentiation. In other words, it is believed to be working to create a new cell.

For this reason, in the thriving fetus of differentiation of the cells, which is especially important, it it has been recommended to go taking aggressive. Moreover, it is also a help in the formation of red blood cells. Since the red blood cells can be expected effect of maintaining body temperature, it says that is also recommended for those of poor circulation.

continue to improve so that it does not cool the body

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earlier the folic acid was to tell to be effective to promote the maintenance of body temperature, but that pregnant women cool the body will have become quite a problem.

because extreme cold is because it is known also affects the baby's stomach. The body will use the strength to consume a lot of energy in order to maintain the body temperature. And, the autonomic nervous collapses by cold, it does not have not even thought that disturbs the physical condition itself.
because it is
, refrain from such as cold raw vegetables during pregnancy, let's try so eat as much as possible warm ones. In this case, it is also effective movement in the cold resolve. Because they can be warm from the inside of the body, it is effective to go with a gentle exercise such as yoga.

body weight, as measure as much as possible every day

extreme weight of the increase or decrease is not good for both maternal-fetal. Or it becomes cramped baby you are in the uterus in the overweight, because there is nutrition too skinny to reverse can be considered state, such as not enough.

weight gain during pregnancy, standard body weight of the person in the 7 ~ 12kg, has been a 9 ~ 12kg is good in human skinny feeling. In addition, the scales have been as good to put the habit of riding every day. If you could make it difficult, wearing the habit of measuring the always body weight once a week, has been a good to start in earnest weight management is from about pregnancy 16 weeks.

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