stoop How can I?

although is in the mood, do not fix it quite stoop. Actually, yes I very often I people who are troubled to stoop.
always that person that spine is extended and the pin is, you wonder keep the hell why that attitude? Wonder Have you ever thought that? In fact, we have a unique common point I tend to be hunched over people.
to eliminate the cause that would make a stoop, and is said to stoop can be solved by remembering the correct posture. This time was summarized hunched cause, adverse effects, how to improve.
the stoop?

, such as the image above the stoop, refers to a state in which the neck spine rounded projecting before. However, a person not a stoop is Otherwise there is no speaking or spine is extended and straight pin. Usually the spine, has a form which drew a gentle S-curve when viewed from the side.
I weight of our head are said to be about 10 percent of body weight, it takes a considerable load on the spine when it comes to support the head only in the spine. So with a curve to the spine, we seem to have dispersed the weight of the head to the neck, shoulder, back waist.
But hunched man, for this S-shaped curve is "dogleg", it will totally become plunged forward. Collapse is the variance balance this happens, only the neck and shoulder will be to support the head, it is said that upset the body, such as a stiff neck and headaches appears.
back is rounded from the usual, anyone who neck is out in front, it is considered a stoop. Also in order to adjust the balance of the body, it is what you want to fix somehow.
kyphosis (spinal column this armband)

stoop medically the has been referred to as "kyphosis", but it seems also referred to as a "hump back (Yenbay)", "Kamese (stage embryos)".
As the name suggests, the "spine state (spine) is bent big back (rear bay disease)", not only stoop consisting evil of the usual attitude, and the cause is born and aging going on things and, it seems are also included symptoms as sequelae of the disease.
is likely to be considered a mere "stoop" If you be conscious in their attitude Tadaseru, but if that does not fix it is on its own is the case there is a possibility of some sort of disease. But this time will introduce with respect to general "stoop", symptom is heavy anxious one, by all means I should be consulted medical institutions, such as orthopedic surgery.
Why become a stoop? One cause 5 to be considered
muscle shortage

to keep the S-shaped curve of the spine, back and buttocks, it seems the muscle is needed to support the back side of the body, such as thighs. When the muscle is small like lack of exercise and is considered likely to stoop it can not be maintained S-shaped curve.
especially a lot of people of women and desk work, people of many indoor school to spend in the house, even holiday has overall trend muscle mass is small. So prone to absolutely slouching posture and less muscle mass, it is so there is a need to consciously put a muscle.
anyone who "do not take Nante time to exercise busy!", I think you folded a lot. Such as toilets and commuting in a such a busy person, so there is also an exercise that can be a little time, and then later introduce.

desk work that many people are said to stoop often. For all day sedentary, that muscle mass is of course is most likely to decline by lack of exercise, it is said that great because the tend to spend a long time in the same position.
that's sitting position, but it is prone to slouching posture. PC is also the orientation tend to Attari, and absolutely under eyes is the laptop at a position lower than the height of your own eyes. Since the eyes would bent spine out front is naturally face and face down, It seems easy to become a stoop.
I frequently it is sufficient or stretch the spine or look at the ceiling, but it is catapult tend to spend remains stoop and are concentrated in the work. Then muscles hangs the stiffness in that state, is so he would invite the chronicity of the stoop.
sat way the chair is bad

many desk work even if, we'll also Tsu people clean of attitude that extends to the spine of the pin. This seems to posture when sitting is greatly related.
If you sit in the correct posture, the spine is said to draw a natural S-shaped curve. If this state, to fatigue even when sitting for a long time, seems less likely to stoop. On the contrary, if sitting in a state of the spine is bent plunged forward, on upset also easy Kitaichi such as stiff neck and back pain by the balance of the body is lost, it is said that prone to stoop.
people with a habit to get the Hijitsue and Hozue can also cause an stoop for the center of gravity of the body is inclined to before. That you are in a beautiful attitude from the usual, it seems to be hunched prevention.
touch well the smartphone

Did you notice? What attitude of when you are touching the smartphone, it looks like the image above. Face is out in front, it stoops even look if from anywhere rounded back. The spread of smartphones has increased the stoop of people, hunched cause Sumaho is I'm such extent that it is also said that modern disease.
thing Nante looked up smartphone above the eyes, but it does not first. The arm is tired. It when you are touching the smartphone, is absolutely so he tends to be under the direction apt for stoop.
I heard there is no degree if problems touch occasionally, restless and do not look at all day smartphone! Those of heavy users, such as that is, is so he hunched is prone to chronic. Please also note the attitude of the in smartphone use by all means.
negative (easy to fall)

Dari depressed even in little things, bad things people tend to so-called "negative" caught in person, is said to be prone to stoop because they often face downward.
depressed me when are, I think you can not look at even before. Head down to, it is the attitude, such as bend down before more and more. This is a very hunched state. This means that the more people there are many time to be worried about or Dari depressed, you time to spend with hunched posture is considered to be longer.
I'm, do not decline more and more feeling and much pointing down? Is such a case, or look at the top first, or try a big deep breath, let's extend the spine and pin. Feeling is refreshing. In addition, "all right" and "Well, good or" When you issue to such positive words the mouth, might be feeling is somewhat easier.
thus that correct attitude toward the before, not only to resolve the stoop, also might be willing to change for the better you feel. Mind correct posture and body let's go to the positive!
5 one of the adverse impacts of the stoop
Pokkori stomach

Try taking a hunched posture. Or the force to the stomach contains? In this state, but it does not contain all the power in the stomach. Thus, when the abdominal muscle is reduced, making it easier attaches fat in that part. Therefore the stoop people are thought to easily attaches meat in the stomach.
In addition, internal organs is supported by the rectus and transverse abdominal muscle near the flank of the stomach. And also weaken these muscles, it seems to cause Pokkori stomach been lowered internal organs.
stature to mind high for what no one tend to take a slouching posture? By continuing to take this attitude, it seems there is a possibility that becomes Pokkori stomach decreased the abdominal muscle. Long limbs extending slat, everyone is high people of the charm of the stature of envy. In order not to become a disappointing figure of stomach Pokkori in the stoop, let's stretch and pin the spine conscious of the abs!
tends to overweight

and has taken a long time hunched posture, neck behind lymph flow around and armpits is an island likely. For no longer allowed to flow, waste well, yes I metabolism becomes the easy structure that fat is bad.
In addition, metabolism is also said to be made when the poor circulation and edema predisposition bad. On difficult to burn what you eat, it is a horrible Nante will in moisture also hoarding.
and if Tadase the attitude to reverse the lymphatic flow better, order to be able to process the waste smoothly, it is thought to be the burning easy to body fat. If you are feeling and easy to fat in the stoop from the usual, you might be able to diet only fix the stoop.

and back, such as a stoop're in a curled position, visceral there is pressure from the fact that the function of the stomach is bad, it is said that there is also likely to cause constipation.
be referred to as "bending the back" is, spine systemic pelvis not only distortion of also also lead to distortion. Then in order to deviate from the predetermined position blood circulation becomes poor of internal organs, it is so he becomes a cause of constipation intestinal environment is deteriorated.
If you are troubled with constipation from the usual, or not stoop? Stoop is not only the spine, it seems to have given a big burden in the body. To spend every day of the cleanest regained defecation rhythm, let's efforts to improve the stoop!
stiff neck

than people who suffer the stiff in the way of stoop are many What no. Hunched posture that becomes to support the head, which is said to account for 10% of the body weight only in the neck and shoulder, has been said to be prone to trigger a stiff neck.
In addition, by taking a long period of time the same attitude remains hunched, neck and shoulder, muscles such as his back will be hung stiffness. Then because the blood flow is poor, it seems stiff neck tends to occur.
especially a lot of people be taking the same attitude a long time, such as desk work is, but it is likely to suffer from a stiff neck. Apparently, it seems whether CAUSE is how to sit is in bad hunched posture. Frequently or correct the attitude, let's support by, for example, move the shoulder.
In addition, the stoop is said to also cause stiff neck and headaches as well as a stiff neck. In order to be released from these symptoms, it is what you want as soon as possible improvement.
heavy menstrual pain

it stoop is to what worsen the menstrual pain It seems that also found.
uterus in the body of the woman, usually supported by the muscles around is inclined to a little while ago. But hunched posture is so he would pull back the muscles around the uterus. If that attitude for a long time followed by muscle hardens, the uterus is said to be the inclination to back a condition known as "post-mobility uterus 傾後 屈症".
This is so not a disease but, or menstrual pain is getting worse when it comes to this state, it seems there is also cause low back pain. If you are troubled by heavy menstrual cramps, it does not maybe stoop has become one of the reasons perhaps.
can from today! 5 ways to fix the stoop

when you want to cure the stoop, is the first quick to stretch. Stretched out rounded back, we'll loosen the stiffness hardened upper body!
do not have the time to
busy! To be feel free to get into even better that, drew things in a short time can easily. Such as a little relaxation and sleep before, but please try to gap time. Of course, effective for the stoop is resolved, the mood also refreshing!
◆ teamed basic version (standing also sitting also OK!)
: (1) hand, and the stretch toward both hands to the ceiling. Face even if you raise, let's extend to the top to the top as much as possible.
(2) while the image so that the approach and Gyu' toward the scapula to the spine, it will lower the arm. At this time, the palm of the hand let outward.
(3) Repeat two to three times.
◆ towel version
(1) stand open a little wider than shoulder width of the foot. Spine is stretched.
(2) while sucking the breath, it has a towel in the back of the waist. Try to pull with both ends of the towel.
(3), and slowly raise as it is up to the height of the shoulder both hands. People who do not rise up to the shoulder, OK in as far up as it will go.
(4) 3 seconds keep in place went up.
(5) while exhaling, 3 seconds break and down slowly.
(6) Repeat two to three times.
◆ office version
(1) deep sitting in a chair, stretches the spine.
(2) hands a set in the back of the head, out preceded the chest asked the scapula to the spine while inhale.
(3) as it is 3 seconds keep returns while exhale.
(4) Repeat five times.
◆ train version
(1) Pull the neck and both shoulders back.
(2) has a strap which is in as high as possible position.
(3) Hekomase the navel, and consciousness to lift the stomach.
(4) keep this attitude!
◆ become a bedtime version
(1) prone position, has the ankles with both hands. (Left hand left ankle, right hand right ankle)
(2) lifting both hands and feet, and the state of the shrimp sledding.
(3) up 10 times, and five sets of 10 seconds break.
so you can also have especially sitting or standing basic version, such as while up the stairs and when I went to the toilet, you feel free to tackled! As you stretch when you restlessly noticed, you might as can stretch the back muscles imperceptibly naturally. Please try by all means.
muscle training

spine of the S-shaped also to train the muscles to keep the curve, it is to fix the stoop seems to be effective. Point is, to train the four muscles of the "back", "hip", "stomach", "shoulder around". The training to train them efficiently will introduce.
◆ train the muscles of the back and hip
(1) prone sleeping in, you set your hands under the chin.
(2) it will open a little wider than shoulder width of the foot.
(3) raising the feet, 3 seconds keep.
(4) down slowly foot.
(5) Perform 10 times.
◆ train the abdominal muscle to sleep
(1) his back, you set your hands under the head.
(2) to raise the knees, and bent at a right angle.
(3) As we will see the navel, it will cause the upper body.
(4) then slowly lower the head and feet.
(5) Perform 10 times.
◆ train the muscles around the shoulder
(1) prone go to bed.
(2) 10 seconds keep raising up his hands.
(3) hands stretched right beside, 10 seconds keep.
(4) Lower the hand.
(5) carried out five times. !
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